Zoroaster’s ‘Nirvana’ and the ‘Rose of the World’

Now we are living in difficult times. Let us pray warm heartedly for Peace in the Middle East and in the world. I hope that soon we will enter into the new Heavenly-Jerusalem cosmic cycle, where the present horrible dramas will not be remembered. As we know the Prophet Isaiah witnessed God creating new heavens and a new earth: Arise, Jerusalem, and shine like the sun; The glory of the Lord is shining on you!…Now I create new heavens and a new earth, and the past will not be remembered, and will come no more to men’s minds. (The Book of Isaiah 60:1; 65:17).
In the new Heavenly-Jerusalem cosmic cycle we will meet the New Comings of the Divine Masters and will co-create with them. Of course, one of them will be the great Spirit of Zoroaster! One of the beautiful legends in Zoroastrism predicts the Second Coming of Zoroaster. It tells us that at the End of Time Zoroaster will come again to conquer the dark forces, personified by Angra Mainyu, and to establish the Kingdom of Light of Ahura Mazda forever. Ahura Mazda is the personification of the great universal Divine Light, lying behind the Sun and the stars, which gives life to all of Creation:
The Sun and the Moon and the Stars give us their light, but Ahura Mazda is the Light that lights them to light the world. (Source: Thus Spake Zarathustra, Compiled by B.S. Surti, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras, 1981, p. 3.)
Zoroaster, in his time, proclaimed the duality of Good and Evil as the fundamental principle of the Universe. In his Second Coming, Zoroaster is expected to reveal the mysteries of the great cosmic-spiritual Sun which never sets, that is, the Truth of the transcendent Divine Light, and to establish the Kingdom of Light on Earth forever.
In the XX century we find many inspiring prophecies about the creative work of the Spirit of Zoroaster in connection with the emergence of Kingdom of Light. For instance, the great Russian mystic Daniil Andreev channelled a remarkable initiatic book The Rose of the World. The Rose of the World is a poetic metaphor for the emerging New World Reality and symbolizes the integration of all spiritual traditions. Each one of them is like a petal of this “Cosmic Rose” with an exquisite spiritual fragrance. When the Rose of the World blossoms, the “Heart centre” of the human race opens and humankind becomes God’s people on sacred Earth. According to Daniil Andreev, the celestial architect of The Rose of the World is Zoroaster: The great spirit-man who was known in his past incarnation as Zoroaster leads the creation of what I would dare to call the “great drawing” of the Rose of the World. (D. Andreev, The Rose of the World, Moscow 2000, p. 133)
Here it is interesting to mention that when I came across the manuscript of The Rose of the World in 1973, many spiritual groups were already working on its esoteric content. For many of them the cultural-historical universe was an open reality and they were able to contemplate the secrets of the spiritual history of humankind.
I was very interested in The Rose of the World and discussed it with my spiritual friends. In January 1974 I experienced a very strong mystical contact with the Spirit of Zoroaster, reinforced by various circumstances, described in the autobiographical book On the Path of Enlightenment. At the beginning of March 1974, I was told by the Invisible World that I had to prepare myself for attaining a new type of Nirvana – Zoroaster’s Nirvana. For this purpose, I had to go to a special place, Hija Yastrebetz, on the sacred mountain Rila in Bulgaria for March 22. I spent more than a week in this place surrounded by friends, incredible mountain beauty and amazing spiritual feelings and thoughts. At this particular time, I did not achieve Zoroaster’s Nirvana, but even the preliminary stages of this sublime state of consciousness were awe-inspiring.
After nine years intensive study in the Mystery School of the Spirit in the Kabbalistic World of Creation, I received an initiation into the mission of the Rose of the World and a revelation about the New Jerusalem (Revelation, 21:9-27) as the totality of the Kingdom of God where “there are many mansions“. In my Mystery School of the Spirit , I merged subsequently with the Divine Spirits of Zoroaster, Ramakrishna, Beinsa Douno, St. Peter, Babaji, Buddha and Christ and received their initiations. In exciting “cosmic-spiritual romances” with the Masters, full of wonders, miracles and Divine coincidences, I was prepared for the mystery of the Second Coming which is directly related to the mission of the Rose of the World and the emerging New World Reality. Some of my metaphysical and mystical experiences with the Divine Masters and the Personifications of the Divine Feminine as well, I shared in the book On the Path of Enlightenment.
As a result of my insights, I wrote of The Book of Resurrection (1982 – 1984), manuscript, which depicts the Holy City of the New Jerusalem and the spiritual paths of world religions as the Gates of entry into it. Perhaps The Book of Resurrection was the first draft of the “Great Drawing” of the Rose of the World and provided the esoteric basis for the integration of all spiritual traditions.
Over the years The Book of Resurrection developed into the book The Second Coming published in Ireland in 1995. I shared with my spiritual friends many ideas and visions about the Rose of the World and my mystical contacts with the Spirit of Zoroaster and other Divine Masters. We envisaged the blossoming of the “Heart centre” of humankind in many prayer-meditations. An excerpt from my book The Second Coming (p. 98-99) gives an idea about our meditation on The Rose of the World:
The Rose of the World is a poetic symbolic image of the integration of all religions, all spiritual paths and traditions. Each one of them is like a petal of this cosmic Rose with an exquisite spiritual fragrance. The Rose of the World is a symbol of the heart centre of all humankind which now opens and begins to blossom. The beauty and fragrance of all spiritual paths and traditions come from the depths of the collective heart of humankind – the centre of its Divine origin in God springing from the Universal Soul. This heart contains inexhaustible potential, shines with all the colors of light and love, testifies to the infinite and passionate, always new and deeply moving Divine Love.
In our time the blossoming of the Rose of the World comes as a symbol of the opening of the sacred heart of all humankind. It will bloom at the centre of the vertical cosmic-spiritual Cross of Immortality (the Axis Mundi) of Creation. The Heavenly Jerusalem, with its four directions and twelve gates, constitutes the horizontal dimension of this Cross of Immortal Life in the new reality. The twelve gates of the Heavenly Jerusalem are personified by the Divine Masters and this is why the Holy City is the basis for integration of all spiritual paths and traditions. Thus, the cosmic Cross of Immortality becomes the Cross integrating all humankind. Then the Rose of the World which will blossom at the centre of this Cross (i.e., the Heavenly Jerusalem, situated in Tifereth in the World of Creation), will indicate the opening of the Heart centre of humankind. As a result of this Divine process, the greatest mystical event in human history will take place: communion between Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Hebrews, the followers of all spiritual paths, coming together at the centre of the Holy City and forming one G-d people on sacred Earth. Obviously, for this to happen the nations on Earth have to accept to live in Peace, Love, Light, Harmony and mutual Understanding.
As to the Zoroaster’s Nirvana, many years later I did experience something like Nirvana in the Light that lights the world, i.e., the reality of the Cosmic-spiritual Sun at Keter in Beriah. It happened at an amazing spiritual event which took place on July 11, 2003 in our Summer Assembly on the sacred mountain Rila in Bulgaria. We had a wonderful Sunrise ceremony (including prayers, songs by the Master Beinsa Douno and a guided meditation) and after breakfast ascended to the plateau around the Fifth Lake to dance Paneurhythmy. At a very picturesque point on the plateau, overlooking the valley of the Lakes and in view of the surrounding summits, I had a staggering mystical vision: I linked mystically with the Cosmic-spiritual Sun at the centre of the Universe, experienced dazzling light and witnessed a miraculous phenomenon. To my great wonder, the Cosmic-spiritual Sun started rhythmically slowly approaching the Earth, increasing enormously in size, and then withdrawing again. It was radiating the creative Light of G-d, which manifested as the Divine Spirit generating the whole of Creation. It is difficult to describe all the thoughts and feeling which I felt, but I could well identify, in Zoroastrian terms, this Cosmic-spiritual Sun with the essence of Ahura Mazda, who is the personification of the great universal Divine Light, ‘lying behind the Sun and the stars, which lights the world’. It is interesting to note that some friends from the group had similar visions and felt an amazing Divine presence also.
Amazingly, the Light which Zoroaster lit approximately 2500 years ego, is still burning. There are about 100 000 Zoroastrian followers scattered all over the world. With his initiatic book The Rose of the World the Great Russian mystic Daniil Andreev inspired thousands and millions of people to participate in the blossoming of the Rose of the World – the sacred heart of humanity on Earth! For this purpose however all nations on Earth have to live in Peace, Love, Light, Joy and mutual Understanding!
Now, at the End of the Indo-European cosmic cycle, which metaphysically is The End of Time, we have to restore the Universal Axis of our consciousness. In other words, we have to start our Exodus, first to the Garden of Paradise, and then to the Heavenly Jerusalem, where we could experience the blossoming of the Rose of the World and the reality of the Kingdom of Light of Ahura Mazda! In general, this Journey is traced by all world religions. I believe that meditation on the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem could be very helpful as well (please, see the Post, The Heavenly Jerusalem – Mandala Meditation, from 12/12/2022). Thus, we will become citizens of the Holy City, where G-d will live with humankind forever! So, Be It! Amen!