Erfan Fard

35 Years After the Death of That Villain Khomeini

Khomeini and Khamenei, Radio California, Picture from Artificial Intelligence - Free for all platforms.
Khomeini and Khamenei, Radio California, Picture from Artificial Intelligence - Free for all platforms.

The news of Khomeini’s death was broadcast on Radio Islamic Republic of Iran 35 years ago today. He had held power for ten years, calling himself a man of God and Islam. No one had elected him; he was not chosen by the people. He seized power in Iran with the help of Islamic terrorist groups and support from countries like Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, and organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood and Yasser Arafat.

Tehran University – Protests in Iran / Radio California – Free for all platforms.

Khomeini clung to power until his death, and his bloody history symbolizes Iran’s downfall, resulting in a disgraceful outcome. The true signing of Iran’s fall was when the Shah left Iran, and the most unpleasant consequence of the ill-fated 1979 revolution was the brutal repression that followed. Khomeini sought to expand his Islamic caliphate across 48 Islamic countries, including 16 with Shia communities, calling it the export of revolution. Of the 1 billion Muslims, 100 million are Shia, but Khomeini aimed to rule them all. His revolution’s export meant spreading Islamic terrorism, and wherever Khomeini’s forces went, they brought destruction and misery. Although the mullah system dreams of hoisting the flag of their Islam over the White House, the Kremlin, the Élysée Palace, and Buckingham Palace, if humanity does not find a solution in the 21st century, this infectious Khomeinist virus will spread worldwide.

Khomeini’s dark era institutionalized religious despotism in Iran. To secure power, they waged an eight-year war with Saddam without cause and executed political opponents in prisons. Even during the tenure of the Ministry of Defenses, Madani and Chamran, 8,000 military personnel were executed, imprisoned, or expelled. Khomeini and his associates sought to destroy Iran’s national spirit and nationalism, despising knowledge and understanding. Mullahs filled Iran, and all key positions were systematically handed over to them. Instead of providing free water, electricity, oil, and bus tickets, Khomeini’s government offered free death to Iranians.

Mullahs, who understand nothing but Shia superstitions and religious dogma, see Iranian women and girls as servants. Faithful followers, with self-abasement and humiliating submission, praise their savagery. Thirty-five years ago, on this day, Khamenei came to power, creating an era filled with suffocation, censorship, and repression for the Iranian people. Both under Khomeini and Khamenei, the Shia Islamic caliphate sent thousands to the graveyards. The mullahs’ government even prevented hundreds from being buried in Muslim cemeteries!

Tomorrow marks 35 years since the death of the bloodthirsty villain Khomeini. In reality, Khamenei has outdone him, spreading Islamic terrorism and shedding more blood. On June 3, 2024, Khamenei plans to speak at Khomeini’s grave, lamenting his death while encouraging people to participate in the mockery of elections. His entourage constantly reassures him, saying, “Rest assured, everything is under control.”

However, a patriot like Reza Shah The Great angrily dismissed a group of high-ranking officials for repeatedly telling him, “Rest assured, everything is fine.” He cared deeply for his country, unlike the mullahs, who are its enemies.

Young Iranians are eager to see the country’s political train return to the monarchy’s track. But until the mullahs’ institution is dismantled, democracy cannot take root in Iran. Out of 193 UN member countries, 24 have full democracies, 50 have flawed democracies, and 34 have hybrid systems. The path to democracy in Iran is long and arduous.

Of the 24 countries with full democracies, 12 are monarchies, including the UK, Japan, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, and New Zealand. It should not be forgotten that Khomeini waged war against 28 centuries of monarchy in Iran. Today, 35 years after his death, how will Iran move forward in the 21st century?

It is impossible to predict Iran’s future, but surely the memory of Khomeini, Khamenei, and the corrupt Ayatollahs will only be remembered for their crimes in history.

LA protests, Radio California / Picture is free for all platforms
About the Author
Erfan Fard is a counter-terrorism analyst and Middle East Studies researcher based in Washington, DC. He is in Middle Eastern regional security affairs with a particular focus on Iran, Counter terrorism, IRGC, MOIS and Ethnic conflicts in MENA. \He graduated in International Security Studies (London M. University, UK), and in International Relations (CSU-LA), and is fluent in Persian, Kurdish, Arabic and English. Follow him in this twitter account @EQFARD
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