Meir Liberman

Now all I have is hope

my guy lost, now I'm rooting for Obama

So the polls came in. The American people had voted, and they had voted strongly for Obama*. As I had voted Republican, this really hit me hard. The sore loser in me started screaming and sulking simultaneously (an impossible feat, I know). But apparently the majority of Americans did not feel as I did; that we were in for another four years of utter hell.

The majority of Americans did not feel that the economic situation was untenable and that our foreign policy was all but worthless. No. Yesterday the people of the glorious USA declared loudly “we put our faith in you, Obama.”

And that is a wonderful thing.

For as much as the sore loser in me wants Obama’s next four years to be not just bad but awful, the American in me sees hope. If Americans can put their confidence in the president, then maybe we will see a growing economy within the next four years.

You see, although my hero in economic theory is the venerable Milton Friedman, my belief in the economy stems from the people. If the people are confident, then the economy will grow, no matter what economists will tell you. It doesn’t matter if they are Keynesian or Classical economists, the result is the same: a confident economy will grow, everything else is just commentary. (Paraphrased liberally from Hillel)

I still have low expectations for America’s foreign policy, though. Obama will remain the single most factor preventing the growth of American ties with Israel. While Netanyahu certainly wishes to work with America, Obama’s reelection could not have made him happy due to the strained relationship they share. Hopefully Obama will keep a low profile (yeah, right) and things will remain the same. Otherwise it might be time to start looking at the next up and coming superpower for political support.

This last statement is actually why I support those Americans living in Israel who have decided against voting in this election. Besides the complaint of “you don’t live here and you don’t know the facts on the ground; how can you possibly have an opinion?”, Israel must do what is best for Israel. It isn’t fair to America that anyone that associates more with Israel than America could have an effect on American policy. (It’s why I’m so supportive of bills to limit foreign funding in Israel, too.)

But there is always hope that I might be wrong about the policy.

Indeed, I hope I am.

I hope that American-Israeli ties flourish and this mutually beneficial relationship will propel these countries to heights never before achieved.

I hope so. I really do.

*In electoral votes

About the Author
Meir received a BA in Political Science from Lander College for Men and an MA in Politics and Government from Ben Gurion University of the Negev. He a recent Oleh who loves Israel: faults and all.