A 4 year 20-Point Plan to Save Israel
- A civil struggle of hundreds of thousands in the streets to overthrow the government and demand a deal for releasing the hostages.
- One unified list in the elections that includes Hamachne Hamamlachti, Yesh Atid, Avoda, Meretz, Yisrael Beitenu, which will unite all the votes of the center-left and obtain 45-50 mandates.
- Rotation between Gantz and Lapid in the prime ministership (year-year). Yair Golan as Minister of Defense, Lieberman as a Senior Minister.
- Securing the release of hostages and cessation of fighting in Gaza.
- In the north, implementing Resolution 1701 vis-à-vis Lebanon, allowing the return of all Northern residents to their homes.
- Elimination of public investments beyond the green line, including planning, expansion, and establishment of settlements.
- Canceling resources for projects aimed at influencing the secular public, including subsidizing NGOs, “Gareinim Toraniim”, canceling “identity programs” in schools, and legislation against media promoting extreme agendas and propaganda.
- Within a year – signing an agreement with the Palestinian Authority for the establishment of a demilitarized Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza alongside Israel, including the evacuation of isolated settlements, an exchange of territories, Jerusalem as the capital of both states, with the Old City under international management.
- Signing agreements with the Sunni Arab countries and creating massive economic cooperation with Egypt and Jordan, with an emphasis on high-tech.
- Replacing all senior appointments of the Netanyahu governments in the public service.
- Completing the appointments of judges in the various courts.
- A decision on drafting of the entire public, including the ultra-Orthodox, for either military or civil service of their choice.
- Investing in and requiring ultra-Orthodox educational institutions to provide core studies, withholding budgets for institutions that do not comply.
- A significant reduction in child subsidy from the third child.
- Initiation of tens of thousands of affordable and long-term rental housing units.
- A significant increase in investment in the training of doctors and health professionals.
- Changing the order of priorities in education, investing in teachers, and adapting it to the new era.
- Considerable investment of resources in agriculture and the renewal of local food production, aiming for self-sufficiency.
- Investing significant resources in dealing with the consequences of global warming on Israel.
- Investing resources and preparing the country to deal with natural disasters, with an emphasis on earthquakes.
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