A Cease-Fire is a Win for the Terrorists
Worldwide calls are going out for a cease fire, meaning that Israel should stop its war on terrorism. Who is calling for the cease-fire? Hamas, the terrorist group that was behind the atrocities of October 7, 2023 in Israel, is now using its impressive propaganda machine not to call for a fair and honorable surrender, but rather to demand a cease-fire. Hundreds of thousands are pouring out in the streets across the world to demand that Israel stop its war against terrorism.
The basis for the cease-fire is that the human shields utilized so effectively by its terrorist group are being killed and injured. When an Islamic-Jihad rocket misfires, falls into a hospital parking lot and injures or kills people, Israel is immediately blamed. When it turns out Israel was not at fault, but that it was a terrorist rocket, only silence prevails.
When it is discovered that Hamas terrorist headquarters are in underground concrete tunnels beneath the largest hospital in Gaza, the protesters are silent. There seems to be no complaints on the part of the protesters when Hamas tortures and murders the innocent, some of whom are their own citizens.
A cease-fire would be nothing short of an opportunity for Hamas to do what it has done during past cease-fires. Hamas takes the millions of dollars that it receives from the world community, including Iran, Qatar, the United Nations, the United States, the European Union and its own people, and steals that money to build the most impressive underground bunker system the world has ever seen.
The protesters calling for a cease-fire do not seem to be concerned about the fact that aid, which was supposed to go to the poor, suffering people of Gaza, has instead been utilized to create a nearly impenetrable system for attacking innocent Israeli farmers and launching thousands of rockets during multiple campaigns. Now, when Hamas may really be on its heels and its existence threatened, the world community is calling for a cease-fire.
I have these questions for all those calling for a cease-fire:
- Why call for a cease-fire but not for a total and complete hostage release?
2. Why call for a cease-fire but not for dismantling Hamas?
- Why call for a cease-fire but not for a stop in rocket fire on Israeli citizens to cease forever?
- Why call for a cease-fire but not for a war crimes trial against the Hamas operatives who committed crimes against civilians, so notorious that most TV stations will not show them?
- Why call for a cease-fire but not for an overthrow of Hamas by Gaza citizens, just like the brave Italians did when they hung Benito Mussolini?
- Why call for a cease-fire but not for Hamas to leave hospitals and schools as safe havens for their military operations?
- Why call for a cease-fire but not for Hamas to close its terror tunnels?
- Why call for a cease-fire but not for Hamas to stop building their bunkers and organizational structure under hospitals and schools?
- Why call for a cease-fire but not for Hamas to refrain from stealing food and fuel from their people?
- Why call for a cease-fire but not call for Hamas to surrender?
- Why call for a cease-fire but not for an end to the financing of terror by not only Iran, but also by the United States, the UN, the European Union, and Qatar?
- Why call for a cease-fire but not call for the right of Jews to live unmolested anywhere in the world, including the Arab world, just as Arabs live in Israel and vote in Israeli elections?
- Why call for a cease-fire but not call for reparations of the almost one million Jews kicked out of North Africa and the Middle East?
- Why call for a cease-fire but not call for an end to the ethnic cleansing occurring as a result of Muslim terror throughout Central Africa?
- Why call for a cease-fire but not call for an end to the ethnic cleansing of Muslims in China and India?
- Why call for a cease-fire but not call for an end to boycotts and threats against Jews in the United States, Israel, and around the world?
- Why call for a cease-fire and not call for an end to antisemitic attacks against the Jewish State in the guise of anti-Israel name-calling?
- Why call for a cease-fire but not call for an end to false, fake historical narratives against the Jewish people and the State of Israel, whose people have existed in Israel for almost 3,500 years?
- Why call for a cease-fire but not for an end to the defamation against the Jews and the Jewish State, the Israeli defense forces, by the use of knowingly false propaganda?
- Why call for a cease-fire but not call for accountability of terrorists for murdering their own people, bombings of their own hospitals, and creating a totalitarian racist fascist state that discriminates against women, the gay and transgender communities, and anyone else who is not a Jihadist?
There is total hypocrisy in calling for a cease-fire, to permit Hamas to rebuild and cause more terror, but not call for any restraints or action against the terrorist enterprises that consist of pathological criminals.
Just as a civilized culture and society does not permit murderers to roam the streets, we must ask nothing less of the civilized world and its fight against terrorism.
The mobs that have shown up in the United States and other countries, demanding a cease-fire and telling lies against the Jewish State, are extraordinarily well-funded, organized and focused on their ultimate objective, which is the destruction of the Jewish State, and the intimidation of the Jewish people. It is a pogrom, riot, against the Jewish people worldwide. Bellicose, dishonest attacks against Israel, because it is merely defending itself, should awaken and alarm every Jew worldwide. It should also frighten people of good conscience and decency who normally remain quiet and hope that someone else will do the right thing. In America, thank the good Lord, the great majority of people support Israel’s right to defend itself, want to see terrorism stopped, and do not support the crude antisemitic antics of those pouring out in American cities to support the destruction of the Jewish State. Most Americans are nauseated and disgusted by what they are seeing and wonder how we ever came to lose our moral compass and to have so many people in this country who are bigots in the name of eradicating bigotry.
For those of us who hate the sight of children and non-combatants being injured or killed, we must speak up against those who demand a succession of efforts to destroy terrorist operatives.