A chorus of hatred
US Representative Rashida Tlaib’s duplicitous depiction of the meaning of ”from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” is insulting to anyone whose cerebral cortex is still intact and functioning. She claims that the mantra is an aspirational call for freedom, human rights, and peaceful coexistence, not death, destruction, or hate, when in fact it is a chorus of hatred calling for the elimination of Israel.
For those still not convinced how Tlaib’s deceitful take on the chant is a lie, and one that incites for the elimination of the only Jewish state among twenty-seven countries whose national religion is Islam, one need only look at the banners held by the protesters marching in lock-step to that hateful refrain. Some placards and posters include, “Hitler Was Right, “Get the Ovens Ready,” “Zionists are Nazis,” and “Rid the World of Jews.” They are just a few of the kind of banners hoisted among a sea of calls for the elimination of Jews, Israel and Zionists.
I fully understand why Tlaib holds the views of Jew hatred with which she and considerable numbers of Muslims hold. Indoctrinated from birth, with antisemitic tropes, canards and libels, emanating from home, from school, from the streets, and from government policy, one could expect no other outcome. Their leaders’ default excuse for failing to address the needs of their people, is to find a scapegoat, and what better group than the Jews, who represent the antithesis of everything the indoctrinated antisemites believe about them.
Tlaib may represent her constituents, but she does not represent America’s founding Judeo-Christian values. Neither do those who support her, vote for her, and join her in that refrain of Jew hatred, “from the river to the see,” as they cheer, hand out sweets, and celebrate the atrocities, and crimes against humanity, committed by Hamas terrorists against Israel’s civilian population.