Michel M.J. Shore

A Kaleidoscope of Cities

Binoculars of my being

Navigate the mind’s seascape

To a kaleidoscope of cities;


Some far inland, from ports,

Are reached by skimming rivers,

Mountains and valleys;

Others through the dream’s compass,

And soundscapes, ricochet

As I linger long enough

To catch each separately.


Scents like Scheherazade stories

Waft their tales

In and out of my window.


Tactile sensations

Traverse under the bridges of my skin,

Like ferries, transporting passengers,

Some known, others imagined.


Yet, it is with you, I travel

Whether you know it, or not

To recount when we sip tea

In the lobbies of hotels,

Real or imagined.

About the Author
Michel M.J. Shore is a retired judge of the Federal Court of Canada and recently made a home in Israel. He is the writer of several published books and poetry collections.
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