Nava Brief-Fried

A Muslim, a Christian, and a Jewish woman walk into a fashion boutique

You walk into a fashion boutique and see a Muslim, a Christian, and a Jew shopping for clothing together. Sounds like one of those jokes coming up right? Where’s the punch line?

Well, there isn’t one because we are making this a reality one day at a time.

I’ll admit to my first mistake in this process that changed the way I thought about a lot of things.  A few weeks ago, we received an email from a customer, saying how she really loves our clothing, our service, our website etc. Her name sounded Jewish and I assumed, as we all assume when we see Jewish names, that she is a Jewish mother and I felt touched that she had made time on a Friday to write us such a nice thank you note. The least I could do was say thank you, wish her a Shabbat Shalom, and click send.

About 5 minutes later she wrote back a simple one-word response “Salaam.”

My initial feeling to her response was embarrassment. I wanted to go back and undo the “Shabbat Shalom” email I had sent her because I had automatically assumed that women buying modest fashion items were Jewish. People say you learn the most from your mistakes. That mistake helped me realize that our customers come from all religions and cultures. In fact, today I can proudly say that hundreds of women come to our modest fashion website on a daily basis. They shop through the different boutiques featured by designers from around the globe. Some women are Muslim, some are Christian or Mormon, some are Jewish and some are not affiliated with any religion.

This phenomenon is amazing. Putting everything else aside and creating a community of women who see modesty as a value and a lifestyle, regardless of where you are from or what you believe in.

ModLi thrives to create a community of not hundreds but millions of women who believe in these values. ModLi accepts all women regardless of how they define modesty.  ModLi creates a home for sophisticated women who want to feel fashionable while maintaining their values.

Learning from my mistakes I have now learnt the appropriate responses to all of our customers. For our Muslim ones- “Elsalam Aleykum.”


About the Author
Co-Founder & CEO of ModLi
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