Zev Shandalov

A simple solution to the silly 24-day-notification rule in the nuke deal

Perhaps not since the United States constitution or the British Magna Carta, has any single document come under such scrutiny as the “Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action” between Iran and the P5+1 world powers. The document has been surgically taken apart line by line with those on the “pro” side pointing out all the good and those on the “con” side pointing out all the negative.

One area in that document that has been mentioned in nearly every discussion has to do with the timing of inspections of locations in Iran. Rather than the original “anytime, anywhere” option (later referred to by the White House as “rhetoric”) the powers that be (literally) agreed to give Iran 24 DAYS advance notice of an impending visit. Those on the “pro” side claim that there is simply no way in that “short a time frame” that all vestige of any nuclear matter and footprint can be wiped clean. On the “con” side, well…that would pretty much be self-evident. (Imagine the same in a drug bust or a traffic stop or…)

Yet, there may be a simple solution to this issue, if we think just a little outside the box: On the very first day that this agreement goes into effect, we give notice that 24 days hence, the IAEA will be making an inspection. Then, on the second day after the agreement goes into effect, we give them 24 days notice that the IAEA will be making an inspection 24 days later. On the third day of the agreement……….

So, it is quite possible that with the exception of days 1-23, we could have inspectors in there virtually all the time. You might ask about the SIZE of the group of inspectors needed to do all of this and the accommodations for their presence. The JCPA provides for an increase of up to 150 (!) inspectors to be allowed access to sites in Iran. It also provides that they must be properly accommodated without impeding their movement through Iran to arrive at and enter nuclear sites.

So, perhaps, if we can all just make it through the first 23 days of this agreement, we can sit back and watch the IAEA inspectors moving around Iran every single day. That should wipe that smug smirk off the face of  Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

About the Author
After living in Chicago for 50 years, the last 10 of which Zev Shandalov served as a shul Rav and teacher in local Orthodox schools, his family made Aliya to Maale Adumim in July 2009. Shandalov currently works as a teacher, mostly interacting with individual students.
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