Alan Weinkrantz

A Story Before A Story: Seeking Your Input on The Art of Story Telling for Startups

This is a story, before another story I am working on my columns in The Times of Israel.   It’s also a bit of an experiment in that I am looking for your involvement and feedback on the subject of story telling.

Robert Johnson... Story Teller Extraordinaire - influenced Eric Clapton, Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones and many others...
Robert Johnson… Story Teller Extraordinaire – influenced Eric Clapton, Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones and many others…photo by Alan Weinkrantz

I’ve just returned from a seven day adventure in New Orleans and  the Mississippi Delta region of the U.S. in search of themes of startups and story telling.

I was in New Orleans mentoring and speaking during New Orleans Entrepreneur Week, followed by a road trip to the Mississippi Delta, where a kind and gracious Allison Washington lined me up with some interviews and helped me navigate through my discovery process.

Above The Code.

You see, I am of the belief that beyond your code, your strategy, your user acquisition model, the UI / UX, there’s something deeper and very profound that can positively impact your startup:  it’s your story, the way you tell it,and the narrative your build upon it to build out the editorial fabric and new layer of value for your startup.

It’s something I call “Above The Code.”

Arch Top Style Guitar - instrument of story telling.  Shot on location at the B.B. King Museum, Indianola, MS.  Photo by Alan Weinkrantz
Arch Top Style Guitar – instrument of story telling. Shot on location at the B.B. King Museum, Indianola, MS. Photo by Alan Weinkrantz.

I’m piecing together videos interviews I shot and putting the pieces together for my story in this column.

In the mean time, if you have some insights on how you approach story telling or perhaps the challenges you might be facing in telling your story, let me know with a comment here.  

I’m looking for guidance, insights and most of all, your story.

More to come.  And thanks for reading…. 

About the Author
Alan Weinkrantz is a Tech PR / Startup Communications advisor to Israeli and U.S. companies, and is the Brand Ambassador and Senior Advisor for James Brehm & Associates, one of the leading IoT (Internet of Things) strategy and consulting firms.
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