Motti Wilhelm

A Summary of 15,000 Leadership Books

Harvard Business School recently asked “Why the Bull Market in Leadership Books?”

With over 15,000 titles in print, at the rate of a book a day, it would take over 40 years to read through the leadership section of the library.

Throughout these works one finds a singular message: Be aware of your purpose, maintain your vision and stay dedicated to your mission (it’s all tactical from there).

“Begin with the end in mind” says Stephen Covey, “start with why” instructs Simon Sinek, “He who has a why, can bear almost any how” quotes Victor Frankl.

During this period known as the “Three Weeks”, (between 17 Tammuz and 9 Av during which the Temple & Jerusalem were destroyed), our people connect with our “why”.

We recall how at Sinai we were summoned to be a “nation of priests” who would make the Creator’s presence at home in creation and through Mitzvot transform the spaces we occupy. 

We reflect on how our people couldn’t be broken and it was through infighting that we broke ourselves. Senseless hate destroyed Jerusalem, says the Talmud. 

We envision a Jerusalem not defined by coalition and opposition, but as the place one observes how heaven kisses earth, where the fire we offer joins together with the fire from above.

And we recommit to bringing about a reality in which the world is aware of its purpose and raison d’être. To look at each other with dignity and infuse each other with a sense of purpose. To realize as Ethics of Our Fathers concludes “all that the Hashem created, was created in his honor“.

The world deeply wants to understand it’s why. Loss of purpose is at a record high. Discussing the rebuilding of the Bet Hamikdash, Moshiach and the mission of our people is critical.

Learn more about the the meaning of Moshiach at

About the Author
Rabbi Motti Wilhelm received his diploma of Talmudic Studies from the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand in 2003 and was ordained as a rabbi by the Rabbinical College of America and Israel’s former chief Rabbi Mordecha Eliyahu in 2004. He was the editor of Kovetz Ohelei Torah, a respected Journal of Talmudic essays. He lectures on Talmudic Law, Medical Ethics and a wide array of Jewish subjects and has led services in the United States, Canada, Africa and Australia. His video blog Rabbi Motti's Minute is highly popular as are his weekly emails. Rabbi Wilhelm and his wife Mimi lead Chabad SW Portland as Shluchim of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
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