Ted Rosenberg

 A Taxonomy of Haters – Diagnosis and Management

People can legitimately disagree with, or dislike Israeli policies, just like they oppose the policies and behavior of any other nation. This would be similar to opposition to right wing populism in Hungary, left wing progressive socialism in Canada, Chinese human rights abuses and heavy handedness, as well as bullying trade policy or income inequality in the US.

But it is entirely different when people use the word Hate to describe their thoughts and feeling about countries. Hate is literally a four- letter- word that is dehumanizing and combines the most negative thoughts and emotions into a combustible mix. Hate shuts down constructive dialogue, reconciliation or the search for solutions. It leads to a zero-sum game of shunning and destructive attempts at extirpating the perceived problem- for example “From the  River to the Sea”.

Hate is the emotion and thought pattern governing historical attacks against the Jewish people. Anti-Zionist Hate is the modern contagion spreading against the Jewish State and its international supporters. Dislike of  Israeli policies may be legitimate. Hatred of Israel is dangerous antisemitism.

Not all Israel-Haters are the same

Medicine teaches that there are often multiple causes of what appears to be the same condition. Arthritis can be caused by degeneration (osteoarthritis), infection (septic arthritis), inflammation from crystals (gout) or malfunction of the immune system (rheumatoid arthritis). Each of these conditions may present with the same indistinguishable swollen painful knee. However, treating septic arthritis with immuno-supressive drugs used for rheumatoid arthritis will be both ineffective and dangerous. Similarly, combating Hate, requires discernment of specific “diagnostic criteria” and effective targeted interventions.

Because of the plethora of information, medicine often relies on acronyms and other mnemonics to improve retention of facts and understanding of concepts. So, bear with my tongue-in-cheek “taxonomy”and acronyms.

Classification of Israel-Haters

  1. Baiter-Haters – are the most implacable and dangerous group. They are the academicians, theologians, strategists leaders and organizers. They are single-mindedly obsessed with Israel, and often delusional in their hatred. Delusions are fixed false unshakable beliefs. Therefore, you cannot reason with Baiters. They can be recognized by their use of extreme inversions (Zionist Nazis and Heroic Hamas Resisters) and hyperbole (“murdering” instead of “killing”, genocide, mass starvation). They also use reductive conflation that all world problems like racism , sexism, homophobia, militarism, income inequality and even climate change are caused by Zionism. They impute the worst motives to every Israeli action and minimize and rationalize any crime and atrocity committed against Israel or Jews. By their account, there is no worse evil or source of oppression and violence than what is embodied in Zionism and practiced by  Israel. That leaves them only extreme solutions. When challenged by facts, Baiters will revert to projected reality (Israeli actions “could lead to” genocide and “may result in” starvation) and portray themselves as helpless victims of Zionist and Jewish smear campaigns. Examples of Baiter-Haters include Western Prime MinistersUN Leaders , NGOs, Cultural Icons, Church Leaders and even Nobel Laureates. Their stature often poses a dangerous multiplying effect. Antisemitism and genocidal violence rarely reach escape velocity without sanction and spread by social leaders.
  1. Traitor-Haters – are like the Baiters with their deeply obsessive, incorrigible  antipathy to Israel. These are the Jewish anti-Zionists, who not unlike previous Jewish antisemites, led the charge against their people in early and medieval Christian societies, emancipated and nationalistic Europe, and the Soviet Union. They viciously attack any Jewish support for Israel and provide legitimacy and cover for all other Israel Haters. Their arrogance and manipulation extend to distorted appropriation of Jewish beliefs and rituals, like reinventing Passover Seders and Sukkot. They can be recognized by prefacing their comments about Israel with “As a Jew”.
  2. Rater-Haters – are the people who leverage anti-Zionist antisemitism for social, political and professional capital and prestige. We saw this with the sacking of the only Jewish cabinet minister in British Columbia and the Canadian foreign minister admitting she can’t be seen to support Israel given the demographics of her political riding. Rater-Haters readily “pile-on”, signing petitions, that condemn Israel, from Actors, Artists, Writers, Academic  and Professional Guilds.  These haters are recognized by ending their attacks on Israel with public statements that they support peace and a rules -based international order and are opposed to antisemitism (and islamophobia).
  3. Gator-Haters– are often cold blooded, ignorant and unquestioning believers of de-legitimizing, demonizing and dehumanizing anti-Zionist rhetoric. They have little empathy for Jewish victims of violence and sexual assault, and can even be seen tearing down posters of infant Israeli hostages. They emerge from the swamp onto land with their congregation (I’m not making this term up) for loud threatening protests. They can be easily identified by their ignorance when asked about simple geographical, demographic or historical facts related to the conflict.
  4. Afraid-Haters – are people who do know the facts and truth, but will either remain silent, nod their heads or even parrot the libels. They may reluctantly sign an anti-Israel petition when they feel their social standing or occupation are threatened. They can be identified by their difficulty making eye contact, referral to their many Jewish friends, and air of personal shame.

Prevention and Management

  1. Supporters of Israel need emotional Kevlar to deal with the almost daily gut punches from the Haters. This will only come when they are well versed in historical and current facts which will inoculate them against manipulative libels and gaslighting.
  2. Zionists and particularly the younger generation may also benefit from learning about, and unabashedly embracing positive Jewish and Israeli values and accomplishments, that sustain the Jewish community and enrich all of society. It may be helpful to remind them that Jews have suffered denigration and discrimination for millennia, but have outlived all those flawed civilizations and been the group on “the right side of history”. The Holocaust taught us that sometimes the whole world is wrong. Unfortunately, we are living in a similar cultural moment.
  3. It is important to remind ourselves that even our strongest and most articulate supporters, courageous heroes like Einat Wilf, can be disheartened at times. Recognize this risk and ensure that we balance our lives and take breaks to recharge from the depleting effect of hatred.
  4. Enlist our advocacy groups and lawyers to dry up the swamp by insisting that institutional and public laws pertaining to group hatred, harassment and violence are enforced.
  5. It is a fool’s errand to directly confront Baiters, Traitors and Raters. They do not engage in good faith, but rather in a spirit of baiting, exploitation and manipulation. Call out their distortions, lies and double standards, but do so on third party social media. Don’t waste your emotional reserve or precious time.
  6. In contrast, engage with Gator-Haters when they genuinely ask questions. Use RECCHIM, which is the Hebrew root word for compassion and mercy. RECCHIM includes Respect (for their effort to engage) Empathy (for the anxiety and pain they feel), Compassion (for all innocent victims), Constructive solutions, Humility, Integrity (every country has faults including Israel) and Mindful, measured speech.
  7. Also approach Afraid-Haters with RECCHIM. Do not shame them because of their ignorance, fears or frailty. Many of them speak about fearful friends who have similar concerns. Remind them of strength in numbers, to give them courage to speak out.


Sadly Canada, like other Western countries, was previously lauded for its tolerance, and is now recognized for one of the highest rates of antisemitic hatred and attacks in the Western World. The institutional capture by sinister DEI and Settler Colonial ideologies and their intersectional and horseshoe solidarity with the extreme political right and Islamists, have created a toxic perfect storm of Jew-Hatred.

Although overwhelmed, supporters of Israel are not helpless. Always call out anti-Zionist de-legitimization, demonization and double standards. Recognize and don’t waste emotional energy and time, by direct confrontation with fanatical and corrupt Baiters, Traitors and Raters.

But never abandon hope for change. Remain open to the possibility for meaningful dialogue, redemption and reconciliation with seemingly hopelessly misguided and morally frail people, especially when they are approached with RECCHIM.

And never forget or take for granted, our many non-Jewish friends around the world, whose voices the Haters try to, but cannot silence.

About the Author
Dr. Ted Rosenberg is physician specializing in home based interdisciplinary care for the frail elderly. He is a former clinical assistant professor in the University of British Columbia who resigned because of their tolerance of antisemitism. He lives in Victoria BC. He is also on the Board of Doctors Against Racism and Antisemitism (DARA). These view are solely his own.
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