A Wandering, Wandering Star
“If you just learn a single trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.” -Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch in Robert Mulligan’s To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
Next year will be the celebration of 70 years of the end of WWII, and since few months ago media have been publishing news related to Hitler, the Holocaust, Nazism and endlessly themes about the war as Hitler could be a Jew due some new DNA evidences, about FBI’s secret files describing the escape of Hitler to Argentina, about the Finnish Jews who fought for Hitler, about the Bosnian Muslims fighting in Nazi SS Division Handzar/Handschar, about Himmler and the holy grail, about the Nazi ghost ships, about the millions of pounds of Nazi gold sent to Argentina by German submarine U-977, about the supposed Jewish origin of Eva Braun, about the Philadelphia Experiment called “Project Rainbow” which supposed made war ships invisible, about the occultist Nazi connection with Shambala and Tibet, about the brutal crimes of the Ustaša (Croatian Revolutionary Movement) fighting along with the Nazis, and so on.
However in recent days few other news have been very interesting as the upcoming publication of Martin Heidegger’s Black Notebooks; three never-before-seen volumes by the legendary German philosopher, the findings of metal stamps used to tattoo prisoners at the Nazi death camps and the news that thanks to a young student Amsterdam officials are considering to compensate Holocaust survivors after been discovered that survivors complained that the city was forcing them to pay back taxes and late payment fines (including gas bills) on their property seized after they were deported to Nazi death camps.
Surely more news will be coming soon before and during next year celebration; some of them will be hilarious as the one about Nazis during WWII trying to get in contact with aliens in order to get extraterrestrial powers, or if Hitler escaped the war and lived underground in a lunar base , but however some others will be relevant, treated as a last minute discovery.
But the most important news that should raise public consciousness –specially during the Holocaust Remembrance Day-, is that poverty among the Holocaust survivors has risen over the last year. As has been published by Times of Israel, according to a study released by the Foundation for the Benefit of the Holocaust Victims in Israel more than a quarter -50,000- of some 193,000 survivors in Israel live below the poverty line.
And while these survivors are abandoned to die in poverty, politicians and bureaucrats just waste time on endless debates over funding, policies, aids and promises of actions that never come or are too late. But as if this were not enough, on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, the fake philanthropist William E. Rapfogel, former head of the New York City Jewish community’s anti-poverty arm, has brought more pain to the needy allegedly being accused of stealing at least $7 million from the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty over two decades.
Never is too late to rectify but for the time being shamelessly they have left the yellow badge like a wandering, wandering star… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnbiRDNaDeo