Xinyao Chen

Across-time Conversation

It has been 70 years since World War II ended. How time flies. The little innocent girl has become a white-haired old lady now. Jewish refugees have been thinking of this hometown belonging to them all the time after the war when they left Shanghai. Many Jews come back now to see this place where they had been living and look for those who once helped them. The woman in the picture came back to Shanghai a few years ago, returning to the old home with the photos to recall every detail of her childhood.

Oil painting, Across-time Conversation (Photo Credit: CC - BY Chinese Jewish Cultural Foundation)
Oil painting, Across-time Conversation (Photo Credit: CC – BY Chinese Jewish Cultural Foundation)
Eve Kramer (nee Burshtein) returning to her old Shanghai apartment, was very excited to find the mezuzah still attached on the door leading into the room where she was born (Photo Credit: CC - BY Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum)
Eve Kramer (nee Burshtein) returning to her old Shanghai apartment, was very excited to find the mezuzah still attached on the door leading into the room where she was born (Photo Credit: CC – BY Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum)

Special thanks to Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum for providing the sources of literature and photo on this topic. Further contact with Chinese Jewish Cultural Foundation (CJCF) via email:‍.

About the Author
Graduate of M.A. in Nonprofit Management and Leadership from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Graduate of B.B.A. in Business Administration from Macau University of Science and Technology.
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