AHI: Augmenting Human Intelligence
Let’s go beyond the paradigm of war, beyond all victimhood whatsoever and shine as the light unto the nations. This is our birthright as the Jewish people and we have the power to generate peace from the shift occurring from within our own mindset.
This is THE most powerful tool we have for accessing real leadership and cleaning up this world in major way. We are the only ones who are going to do this because we are the ones who are in it, who have been given the opportunity to rise up and claim the leadership of wisdom and the future of this world.
It is not going to come from leadership by those who are not at peace within their own being. It simply can’t because wisdom is received from humility; as a gift of the mind. Not from logic, not from strategy, not from data – it includes all of these but does not come from that form of cognition. Wisdom is the only solution that will generate the results we require and it is received from the humility of admitting that we do not know.
We all have equal access to this and through this revolutionary disposition we can access solutions that are far greater than anything we can come up with from our own limited intelligence. The mind is going through a massive shift and AHI provides an interface to open into the new model.
Augmented Human Intelligence is the most powerful system upgrade, leading to the development of epic technological solutions. We are blessed and the time is now!