AI Stop Grading Me!
I’m an admirer of AI. I love its knowledge, speed, and benefits. Grammarly is self-correcting this blog as I write. And I’m eating most of its suggestions. I see only benefits and no risks. AI pets me on the head like a dog, with constant prompts saying, “You’re on point.” AI is obviously an expert on Pavlov’s dog experiments, and I’m its pet.
But then it happens.
I received an email from Grammarly entitled “Someone’s earned bragging rights.” Of course, I opened it and learned that it was my weekly report card. MY WHAT!
You heard that right: My weekly report card.
Here’s what it says:
Your Weekly Writing Update.
Look at you, setting all kinds of records! Last week, you unlocked a new tone and set personal records. Keep up the great work!
You were more productive than 87% of Grammarly users.
You were more accurate than 45% of Grammarly users.
You used more unique words than 79% of Grammarly users.
I feel AI mussing with my hair and my head.
And as AI musses I worry. You see, I never asked for a weekly report card. I need another report card like I need hemorrhoids. Family, friends, and critics grade my writing all the time. And now artificial intelligence joins the list. G-d forbid.
Yes, AI decided on its own that I needed to have my writing graded. What chutzpah!
This machine is getting too smart. But why didn’t AI know that I hated report cards from elementary through high school.
Why? Because my grades sucked. And being a good Jewish lad I feared and hated disappointing my parents.
Of course, I’ve been warned that AI might ruin my life. That AI’s IQ was higher than mine. But I thought I had the emotional intelligence to handle this crisis.
But then I realized that AI was not going to stop at just grading my writing. It would grade:
The books I read and the TV shows I watch;
My healthy and unhealthy habits;
My selection of friends, lovers, doctor and lawyers;
My sense of fashion.
Where would it stop?
Who knows?
But we’ve got to stop this monster before it controls our every mood and thought.
Protect yourself.
You have been warned.