American Jews, forget about clinging to hope and powerful friends in high places
The average USer is done with antisemites which sets free the Jews!
US Jews were, like in most countries, subjected to Antisemitism and reactionaries were the only ones who were (falsely) offering a little safety.
That was until they would throw Jews under the bus. Jews were not loved by the powers to be but only used while being taken hostage.
But, now the masses reject Antisemitism, the chokehold is gone. Jews can freely go where their hearts lead them: to protect the good of everyone.
Best is that the average American stood up against Jew hate not to protect Jews but because they found it unbecoming for themselves and because they can’t stand the lies. Just like the majority of Germans after WW II.
Brother Satan and Trump have done Jews a great service to make Gentiles realize: Until here and no further. Jew-haters lost so many votes and races. Even reactionaries now realize that open Jew hate is bad for poll numbers.
Living on hope was a good strategy, but now Jews have something better. Jews can live fueled by a benign reality. There is actually safety here.
And, like in Germany, antisemites will stay around, but they’ll be met with opposition, laws, and jail time to prevent they’ll hold power or office.
Best of all, Jews don’t need to fight antisemites anymore. There are plenty of Gentiles eager forever to do so.
This is an eternal upgrade. There is no going back. There could be a few hiccups, but marriage equality is here to stay. No amount of time can erase the metoo# Movement. The sentiment generated around the world by the George Floyd murder cannot be forgotten. How do I know? The February Strike in the Netherlands against the German occupiers’ first razzia against Jews was the first time in world history a general population stood up against Jew hate. It’s commemorated yearly. We Jews teach that history is the present in progress. History isn’t just high and low tides, cycles of ever-repeating patterns. There is development. And don’t we like this one?!
The time’s approaching when US Jews will realize they’re safe. Reactionary people and regimes cannot hijack them any longer. So they can say: We are sorry that we needed to rely on bigots and assist the forces of societal evil, but it will be our honor to never return to those days.
The American People did itself a tremendous service. Long gone are the country clubs where Jews were not welcome. The People has moved on.
Jew-haters will stay around. The loud or violent ones will be in trouble with the law. The secret ones need to be discovered and weeded out by the free press. People will run from those who voice animosity against all Jews.
Many US Jews are still in shock that Trump is not our friend. Hate to tell you: “I told you so” from the beginning. (He did us little good, as I pointed out, and just used us, like everyone else.) In their mourning, they have not yet spotted the good thing that happened: The People being our friend.
If I were America’s Chief Rabbi, I would proclaim to say Hallel jointly.
More than an antisemite and racist, Nick Fuentes is a replacement theorist
Why does it take the Pope more than one second flat to condemn him?
Nick Fuentes is called a virulent antisemite, spreading conspiracy theories, making fun of the Holocaust, and being anti-Zionist, and also a White, far-right supremacist, LGBTQ hater, and sexist incel. But, not called out by anyone, he spreads the replacement theory: Catholics, Christians are the real Jews. The so-called Jews are really the anti-Christ, the Devil. No joke.
Also, that he’s a women hater is hardly stated either. As if that’s benign.
Still, the problem isn’t this bigot and VIPs not condemning him, including the Pope and Donald Trump. (The Pope just called upon the Palestinian Authority and Israel to talk. He doesn’t understand that’s like asking Hitler and Jews to talk more. He might not grasp 101 ME, but the Replacement Theory he should understand.) It took Biden an hour and the rest a couple of days, but the Vatican is silent. But the worst is the so-called free nations allowing this guy to abuse the open mike for propagating anti-democracy.
Although I’m waiting for the churches to distance themselves from him, more importantly, how do democracies, except for Germany, allow this guy to spread his hatred? How was his YouTube ban revoked again?
As long as he doesn’t murder someone himself, he’s considered the same as anyone else with a wild opinion, except for in Germany. These weak democracies would give Hitler a pass. Hey, these are just opinions.
The Talmud remarks that those who are good for bad people will end up being bad for good people.
Another general problem producing these wicked opinion-makers is the idolization of popular musicians. An ordinary citizen could never pull off Michal Jackson’s decades of serial boy rape and Ye’s Jew-hatred.
There is no neutral here. Who doesn’t care is part of the problem.
Very fine people—on both sides of the table
Tromp entered a new era and he doesn’t know it.
- It used to be that the more scandalous he talked, the more free publicity he got.
Since he caused many of his favorites to lose at the midterms, his revolting tongue registers. This includes anti-abortion, pro-Putin, pro-insurrection.
- It used to be that Jews are naïve and take anything revolting he says with a grain of salt.
Those times are gone. After his clear association with antisemites for his January 6 coup attempt, Jews got cautious.
To dine with one of the leading antisemites of the hour, and afterward to say only ‘Never heard of him’ opened many eyes. Why not: ‘How gross’?
Jews have a memory. We’re the only People with a recall. Trump is done.
What I like best is that Gentile Americans stand up against this. And not even to help the Jews. But, because they understand the role of a non-Jew is to stand whole-heartedly with the Jews, period. Good for them!
Understanding the main trick of election deniers
I don’t mean the leaders who deny a People elections
Remember those emails from a prince in Africa without close family who is dying and wants to transfer the family fortune to you? Or from your friend who got stuck at a distant airport when his wallet with passport, credit cards, tickets, and money was stolen, and if you could help ASAP?
Always terrible spelling mistakes in those emails while they are sent to countless email addresses. Why not even mend the spelling? On purpose!
Well, the thieves want to deal with people who don’t look so precisely, who don’t seek something after every word that looks suspicious.
That’s how conspiracy theorists operate too. First, they say: Of course, you know the election was stolen. As if, if you don’t know that, you should be ashamed of yourself. The people who live by facts then stop reading. Reading on are those who are naïve and uninformed. The ideal readership as targets for conspiracy theorists and con artists.
The rallying cries of the real anti-democratic cheaters are: Of course, the world leaders are part of a baby trafficking plot, seek world domination, try to end all democracies. So often, people ask: How can I know who’s lying and who’s telling the truth? Well, here you have an easy tool.