[…] (an evangelical waltz for accordion)
[…](…an evangelical waltz for accordion)
I wants to marry a moshav girl
With cool homemade dress twirl
A daughter of moshavnikim
The daughter of “the Jewish Dream”[…]
I want to marry a moshav girl/ With sunkissed skin and natural curl;
Whose Mother can knit and patch the torn/ Whose rava rava saba a sabra born.
On land aplenty and exquisite
But not too big for nature‘s visit
With a wellbuilt house of wood and stone
And a thinker’s throne to dwell alone
With neighbors brilliant, the family wheels dost roll
The living children play ghost, whom freedom stole
And summer profession, imagination club/ And winter rains; of the lord‘s green growth rub…
I want to live on her family‘s land
To reap and sow and not give a damn…
Where there is a little shul on the hill;
Where ten men wrestle with the G-d of Israel…
I wants to eat a salad green
Grown on our moshav, by months inbetween
On garden of truth with Flame and Cherub,
[a]nd in the Shmittah sold to an Arab
I want to dirtpath-tractordrive
Thru fields of orange trees sunshine thrive
…’want to rest in a bed of shade and dirt, there…
Underneath trees, and Heaven flirt
I want to marry a moshav girl/ ‘neath chupa and starlit wonderworld/ And forever Shabbos codish confide/ And like the stars of Heaven multiplied
Where we may die, buried side by side
On the same land which Abraham eyed
The very land which Abram did bless
And from our longing, please Christ: we’ll rest…