Ask the Gazans what they think of Hamas!

Criticism of Israel in the Western media is based on an unwillingness to accept basic facts. One only has to ask the people of Gaza what they think of Hamas.
Parts of the Western world’s political elite and heavy opinion makers have sharply increased criticism of Israel’s defensive war against the terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah. They base their criticism on Hamas’s propaganda and do not let Israel give its version. They even ignore the Gazans’ testimonies.
In the first journalistic report from Jabalia ten days ago, Gazans appeared one by one in front of the camera and told about Hamas’s terrible atrocities and guilt for Gaza’s devastation.
Despairing and resigned, women and men testified to the terror of Hamas. They claimed to have nothing to lose, telling Arabic-speaking Israeli reporter and Palestine expert Ohad Chemo of TV12, among other things:
“Hamas killed us. Hamas hurt me and killed us.”
Ohad Chemo: “Is Hamas responsible for everything we see here?”
Ohad Chemo: “All destruction?”
“All destruction is because of them.”
Ohad Chemo: “So why don’t we hear your voices?”
“We can’t. We can’t breathe.”
Other women present now broke in:
“We want you to rule here. We don’t want Hamas.” “May God deal with Hamas.” “May God take revenge on Hamas.” “May God take revenge on those who uprooted us and killed us in our homes.” “They ruined our lives, our children’s lives.” “They destroyed our houses; we had a life.” “The whole nation hates Hamas, they have hurt us all.”
Ohad Chemo: “Why don’t we hear your voices?”
“If we say something, they will kill us.”
“You don’t understand that our people are unhappy, we are all miserable.”
“They will kill us, they are terrorists.”
“Everyone, say it with me! Hamas are terrorists!”
Gazans shout: “Hamas are terrorists!”
“No Hamas and no resistance, not among us.”
(The entire report can be found at
The story of these ordinary Gazans does not match the image drummed up by the Palestinian organizations. Parts of the Western world’s political elite and opinion leaders seem to have sold themselves to the death cults of Hamas and Hezbollah and discredit Israel, which only defends itself under international law.
One of the critics is Jan Egeland, director of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), who said after a visit to Gaza City: “Politicians say that Israel must be allowed to defend itself – but this is not self-defense. It is the systematic destruction of all of Gaza; it is the murder of tens of thousands of civilians”. Egeland relies on figures from the terrorist organization Hamas, which the UN has been able to verify only a quarter.
Hamas has in its charter the goal of eradicating Israel. Not so much to conquer the country but to destroy the Jewish state in the name of Islam. In Lebanon, Hezbollah has built a state within the state with the express goal of annihilating Israel. Iran’s mullahs are behind them.
According to a November 17 New York Times article, Hamas received $7 million per month from Iran to prepare and carry out the October 7 massacre of 1,200 Israelis and to take 251 hostages.
Anti-democratic forces have been allowed to act unchallenged in the public spaces of the Western world. They have eroded basic democratic values and blurred the line of international law between perpetrators and victims.
For the West in general and Europe in particular, much self-examination awaits when the forces behind the terrorist regimes of Hamas and Hezbollah are unmasked. Too much focus has been on the death toll, which prevents people from seeing what the conflict between Israel and Palestine is really about; Israel’s destruction.