Andrea McGurran
Digging deep for the truth...

Beware of Canada’s Crumbling Friends to All Facade

Arrogant Canadian goose looking down on hopeful refugees and immigrants
Arrogant Canadian goose looks down on hopeful migrants. © 2024 Andrea McGurran.

Canada by land mass is a huge country, but by population is just half that of the UK. Its politics, social fabric, and justice and education systems are always in flux. Its ideologies shift with the ebbing and flowing of the tides, but its generational hatred of perceived ancestral enemies has not changed. Canada, the friend to everyone, friend to no one, is rapidly imploding, self-destroying, and is burdened with a self-arrogance of leading the world, when in fact, it has been dividing its peoples on ethnic lines. Canada’s multiculturalism is a façade to cover up its true state, face, and how unpeaceful, unkind, discriminatory, and immature it really is. Canada’s fence sitting approach to appeasing all sides is endangering everyone who calls it home.

In 1982, Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau welcomed in a bastion of his own successes, not limited to Canada’s alleged final independence from the UK. Despite educating youngsters in Canadian classrooms, incorrectly that Canada became a nation at Confederation in the late 1800s, Canada was and still is in nation building-mode. With the 1989 Multiculturalism Act, many had hoped for a continued Canada where everyone was called Canadian. The realities of trying to please everyone has become Canada’s Achilles heel. Divided by order of the federal government and subsequent understudies provincially and municipally, ethnicity is tearing the country apart. Canadian multiculturalism with its forced assimilation and love of ethnic culture pretenses has been extended to divide everyone along religious grounds. But with the advent of the 1970s LGB2 and 1990s trans movements, having faith is dangerous territory.

Canada’s face in the modern world is vastly different from the alleged peacekeeping nation of the 80s and 90s. It lost face with its since disbanded Airborne Regiment’s disgraces on a peacekeeping mission in Somalia. It lost far more, though, with its keeping-up appearances ratification of arresting and trying war criminals. But this friends to everyone approach fooled Canadians for over a century until the arrogant boldness of the late PM Pierre Trudeau’s son boasted about all Canadians taking responsibility for the crimes committed against its Aboriginal populations. Most Canadians had no part in the government approved crimes of ethnic kidnapping, murder, and abuse. Most were never born in Canada. But listening to the continued deceit of a never honest federal government, the fudged numbers about immigration and deliberately vague lines about what an immigrant is, is sadly revealing a side of Canada that only real immigrant families ever knew. Canada is one of the biggest threats to global security, counterterrorism, and inclusivity in the world today.

As a front seat witness, I grew up as an immigrant child, later a citizen. Racism and discrimination were always there, but not to the degree that it is now. As new peoples from southeast Asia began pouring into Western Canada, the mental shift towards sidelining existing population groups became evident. Now, with the fence-sitting approach, trying to assimilate Gazan refugees and Israeli refugees into the same space is backfiring on Canadians, especially the Jewish and Muslim populations. Many are siding with the Gazans in a war that they know almost nothing about. Many are siding against Israel and Canadian Jews, believing the malicious propaganda being fed by Hamas supported, pro-Palestinian protestors, many of whom are not allegedly Palestinian at all. The very truth behind the alleged Palestinian claims is ignored. However, it is not just Canadian Jews who are suffering. The hidden, generational hatreds of populations long since dead are erupting like never before. I have seen and been on the receiving end of this for the past decade, but the racism and discrimination has taken a genuinely concerning and threatening turn.

Gone are the just barely racial or discriminatory slurs or exclusions. Now, anyone who has an accent, Western or not, is being targeted with deliberate and dangerous refusals to diagnose properly in hospitals and doctors’ offices. Mortgage lenders are biased, denying home mortgages based on silly excuses such as the property is rural not urban, the property price is too small, and/or proven qualifications are still not good enough. Private mail and packages are disappearing or being stolen, with owners having been told that they had already received them, when they did not. ‘Canadian experience,’ a pre-1980s excuse for not hiring people, is being overused to punish lawful immigrants seeking jobs.

Canada’s new prime minister, PM Justin Trudeau, seems woefully oblivious and deluded about the real Canada. The federal government’s immigration voices, the immigration companies, continue to feed lies to potential immigrants and refugees about what Canada is, has to offer, and the benefits of moving to Canada. However, its friendliness hides a frightening reality, that immigrants especially, who bring in millions to Canada as part of their government-mandated right to move to Canada, are facing forced unemployment, targeted racism and discrimination, and a country that is so anti-immigrant, that they face losing everything because of false promises about housing, jobs, and education that aren’t what they seem.

Canada was built on the backs of over 150 million immigrants, according to federal statistics. However, the population is no way near that and should be far larger. What most immigrants are discovering is that despite the pretty facades of big cities, such as the gorgeous Vancouver, jobs are scarce, housing always was expensive, and the cost of living is extortionate. It appears that most either went south to the US or returned to their home countries. Canada continues to use immigrants and refugees as replacements. Since PM Justin Trudeau has been in power, the numbers of refugees, under the guise of being immigrants, has soared so much that the infrastructure cannot cope. But worse though, Trudeau, like the UK’s PM Starmer, cannot see the dangers lurking in immigration policies that are not vetting refugees properly and allowing such large numbers that threaten to destabilize the country with parallel societies that are not interested in Canada’s well-being or growth, but its destruction.

Canada, like much of Europe and the UK, have extended the hands of friendship and care to so many illegal and legal migrants that their own populations are ready to rise in civil wars or rebellions. Though antisemitism is an overused excuse for national problems, Muslims have replaced the European, UK, and North American Jews for first place of the most hated. Unfortunately, hidden amongst these new migrants are real haters, dangerous people, and people who just want to end Western civilization and conquer the world. However, Canada, for one, cannot see it, even if many Canadians do, educated by watching Canada’s failed attempts to censor international news. Many first- and second-generation Canadians are ready to fight to defend themselves against other Canadians, but many of those are ready to fight for their birth countries and abandon Canada as a lost cause.

Western Canadian schools, especially on the southern coast of British Columbia, teach children that they can be friends with everyone. Sadly, many of us who were taught this by rote over 40 years ago, know the reality, both within our Canadian communities and outside of them. Many immigrants know that Canadian immigration and alleged niceties are nothing more than a money-grab for different governments to refill the coffers that were depleted quite often due to the mismanagement of taxpayers’ money and what in most countries would be considered theft to fund questionable government support of potentially illegal and/or conflict of interest projects, companies, and international organizations. On the Achilles heel of ‘anything goes,’ Canada’s policies, especially its immigration, education, and judicial ones, are creating active crimes against humanity against not just against Canadian Jews and sheltering Israelis, but against anyone not born Canadian or second-generation Canadians.

Canada’s friends to everyone and friends to no one is sparking dangerous consequences. For myself alone, finding an honest doctor, a credible hospital, and not being preyed upon by racist and discriminatory fools is getting worse. Like many first and second generation Canadians, most of us are asking when Canada will be held accountable and responsible legally and financially for its fraudulent immigration policies and promises, promises especially that have never been realized. For most of us, the Canadian Constitution, Bill of Rights, and legal system are three-tier – ruling Canadians as #1, Aboriginal Canadians as #2, and everyone-else-don’t-matter as #3. The number 3s are expendable.

Canada’s Jews and sheltering Israelis are most at risk. After a pig’s head was stuck on a post at one of the entrances to the University of British Columbia this past week, a threat claimed by the pro-Palestinian protest movement to force the university to comply with their demands to take Israel’s land, force Israel to comply, and get rid of the Jews from their campus, most Jews and sheltering Israelis need to be alert. Many Canadian Jews have always been marginalized, but now, the dangers are too real. Canada’s ‘friends to everyone’ is just literally a lie. Whether Jew, Israeli, British, Muslim, Aboriginal, a good Canadian, or someone else, Canada’s façade is endangering everyone!

About the Author
Andrea McGurran is a freelance investigative journalist, author, photographer, musician, songwriter, scholar, filmmaker, graphic artist, videographer, publisher, and digital broadcasting executive producer. Born in the UK, she resides with her husband in Canada. She is the mother of 5 children. She has written countless articles, books, and e-books. She runs a digital radio station out of the Czech Republic, and was one of the global pioneers of digital magazines. She has taught journalism and ESL. She has lived and worked in a combined 7 different countries.
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