Biden Embraces US Democracy; Khamenei Blocks Iran

There is a contrast between US Democracy and Iran’s Theocracy. In today’s turbulent media landscape, America finds itself at a crossroads of criticism. Voices clamor for change, questioning whether an 81-year-old Biden should step aside and the power table should be taken back from him as soon as possible because he is incapable of performing his duty. And some say that Trump, at 77, offers a better path. This criticism affecting the American political climate.
This debate mirrors the broader political tumult gripping the nation. Yet, from my vantage point, these discussions miss the forest for the trees. None of it is worrisome. America’s foundation is built on democratic principles—a system designed to evolve through the voice of its people. Whether the White House hosts Biden or another for a term, the enduring power of the vote and the rule of law prevails. Whoever is in the White House, ultimately, after 4 or 8 years, it becomes the people’s vote and the law, and does not consider itself above the law.
Contrast this with a glance towards Iran, where the notion of dictatorship isn’t just a theoretical fear but a lived reality. Imagine an Iran under the thumb of an 84-year-old terrorist-loving mullah, whose tenure has been marked by bloodshed, sedition, arson, suppression, execution, chain murders, shootings, blinding, and an unyielding grip on power since 1988. Despite global shifts and over 19 national movements striving for change, the regime remains unchallenged, a testament to a world that has turned a blind eye to the plight of its people. From 1988 to 2024, the world has seen and read that out of a total of 19 national movements, 14 times they have risen against the religious tyranny and dictatorship of Khamenei but were suppressed, and the world did not support regime change.
Over the years, seven American presidents – Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, Trump, and Biden – both Republicans and Democrats, have come and gone, each leaving their mark without resorting to violence against their own people. They have reached out to Iran’s regime, seeking accord where possible, promoting democracy and human rights. Yet, none have acknowledged the dark tyranny engulfing Iran, a country where 88 million souls live in a prison as vast as the nation itself.
In Iran, power resides with those who disregard law, humanity, and the democratic vote, claiming divine right while elevating themselves above the law. In other words, Khamenei considers himself God’s representative on earth and a sacred and heavenly person, and moreover, considers himself above the law. This is a regime that venerates a mythical figure, promising a bloody end of times—a narrative unchallenged by the same American media quick to label Khamenei a dictator.
Even today’s American media continue to refer to Khamenei as an ‘Ayatollah,’ a term that translates to ‘the sign of God.’ How can terrorism ever be considered a divine sign? Is this murderous lying thug a holly man?
Beyond this, Khamenei views himself as the representative and emissary of a fictional figure shrouded in myth, one who, despite centuries of anticipation, remains unseen. For nearly a millennium, it’s been prophesied that the universe’s architect has reserved a pivotal role for an unlettered man, spirited from one secret location to another under the cover of night. According to fake belief, Imam Mahdi will emerge in the final days wielding a sword, heralding an era by vanquishing injustice and cleansing the world through a transformative upheaval of bloodshed. Based on Shia, this illiterate fake person is supposed to come at the end of time with a sword and drench the whole world in blood.
The irony doesn’t end there. President Biden has expressed curiosity about this mythical figure (Imam Zaman), seeking understanding through private study. Yet, when an Iranian intellectual dared to question this narrative, he met a violent end—not by foreign adversaries, but by the very forces claiming to support Khomeini’s vision.
No American media wrote that when an Iranian writer and intellectual said that such a person does not exist, the Muslim Brotherhood in Iran – the Fada’iyan-e Islam – who supported Khomeini, killed Ahmad Kasravi.
Biden and Trump, despite their differences, have not positioned their offspring as direct successors to their political legacies, reflecting a stark departure from what appears to be Khamenei’s intentions with Mojtaba Khamenei. This situation recalls historical patterns of succession in Islamic caliphates, contrasting sharply with the democratic values Americans hold dear—values that emphasize electoral choice, the possibility of change, and the peaceful transition of power. In essence, neither Biden nor Trump has sought to establish a dynastic succession, diverging from Khamenei’s alleged plan to install Mojtaba in a position of power, potentially in collaboration with external influences. This approach diverges from traditional practices in the history of Islamic caliphates.
As Americans celebrate their democratic rights, Iranians live under the shadow of a regime that silences dissent in the name of divinity. The stark differences between the two countries highlight not just a political divide but a fundamental difference in the value placed on human life and freedom.
In closing, while America debates its future leadership, let us not forget those who have no voice in their governance. The tale of two systems—America’s democracy and Iran’s theocracy—serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing struggle for freedom and the rule of law. As we ponder America’s next steps, let’s also spare a thought for the millions in Iran yearning for the very freedoms we often take for granted.

Patrick Semansky/Free pictures in any platform.