Jaime Kardontchik

Boycotts of Israel – Report

Digital (Kindle, Tablet, Phone) and hard-copy (paperback) of these books are  available at Amazon. The books can also be downloaded for free from the ResearchGate website (pdf format).
Digital (Kindle, Tablet, Phone) and hard-copy (paperback) of these books are available at Amazon. The books can also be downloaded for free from the ResearchGate website (pdf format).

Now it is your turn. During the last year I contacted many teachers at K12 schools and lecturers and professors at the California State University campuses. I got a large variety of feedbacks, from a simple “thank you for sharing the book” to a “do not contact me again.” Several thousand downloaded my books. Now it is your turn. Use my books or write your own essays. There are fifty states in the US. Wherever you live, contact the teachers and lecturers in your state: inform them, educate them.


Exactly a year ago, on June 2nd 2021, I published the first edition of my book “Boycott of Israel is Wrong: How to fight it”. Two weeks before then, on May 15 2021, the San Francisco Teachers Union had come out with a call to boycott and BDS Israel. San Francisco is my neighbor, I live in the Silicon Valley, and I could not allow this to happen in my backyard. My first reply to this call for the boycott of Israel consisted of 24 pages quickly put together: time was of the essence. Since then, through successive “revised” editions, the book steadily grew to its present 60 pages.

Before May 2021 I was happily busy writing books on Music [1,2] and Computational Fluid Dynamics [3]:

[1] Jaime Kardontchik, “Modulation in classical music for young musicians”, 2017

[2] Jaime Kardontchik, “Modulation in Beethoven’s sonatas”, 2018

[3] Jaime Kardontchik, “Inviscid flow over arbitrary 2D geometries”, 2020

And then a lightning stroke … The San Francisco Teachers Union came with its call to boycott Israel, and I had to set aside everything for a while and go down to the trenches and the prosaic fights on the surface of this planet. The results are now laid before you, the reader.

First, this book:

[1] Jaime Kardontchik, “Boycott of Israel is wrong: How to fight it

This book is the core informational and ideological book. But, in addition, I found it important to come out with some related works to complement this book. The first was a transcription of a round table about the “Abraham Accords”, held by young leaders from Morocco, Syria, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Israel, Arabs and Jews, hosted by the Jewish Federation of Sacramento, California, on November 11, 2021: I wanted the ideas exposed in the round table to be available to the general public in the US and abroad. Accordingly, I published the transcription in electronic and paperback formats, in English and in Spanish:

[2a] Jaime Kardontchik, “The Abraham Accords: Enabling dialog and inclusiveness” (English edition)

[2b] Jaime Kardontchik, “Los Acuerdos de Abraham: Habilitando el diálogo y la inclusión” (Spanish edition)

The second related work was a webinar by Dr Einat Wolf – a former policy advisor of Nobel Peace laureate Shimon Peres – about the root-cause of the protracted Israeli-Arab conflict. This webinar was hosted by the Jewish Federation of Palo Alto, California, on April 10, 2022. Again, for the purpose of reaching a wider audience, I transcribed and published it, in electronic and paperback formats:

[3] Jaime Kardontchik, “The Israeli-Arab conflict: Seminar by Dr Einat Wilf

Finally, the last related work dealt with the education of the young generation of Jews in the Diaspora. Its aim is to stimulate and facilitate their access to original Israeli literature. Fittingly, this latest work is written in Hebrew (with a short introduction in English):

[4] Jaime Kardontchik, “Israeli Literature: Amos Oz” (in Hebrew)

ספרות ישראלית:  עמוס עוז

 What people need to know: The basics

Whether you are a gentile or a Jew, or you live in the US or not, you can grasp the core of the subject by following the simplified sequence:

[1]        “The Islam doctrine and the Jews” (chapter in my book, page 16)

[2]        “May 14, 1948 – Zionism and the birth of Israel” (chapter in my book, page 47)

[3]        “The Israeli-Arab conflict: Seminar by Dr Einat Wilf

Then, complement the above with a 5-page summary of 3,500 years of Jewish History:

[4]        “A Brief History of the Jews: Sephardi, Mizrahi and Ashkenazi Jews” (chapter in my book, page 30)

And finish with:

[5]        “The Abraham Accords: Enabling dialog and inclusiveness

And you are done: you “graduated”, you understand the subject and you can talk and discuss about it with friends and no-friends.

Who should read my complete book?

If you are a Jewish parent in California (and coming soon: in other states in the US) and are worried (and rightly so!) about the education your kids receive in public K12 schools, the complete book, “Boycott of Israel is wrong: How to fight it” is a necessary read: you need to understand the details of the fight presently going on about the new curricula in K12 schools, you have to be in the trenches and fight, so your kids – who are minors – do not get brainwashed and psychologically damaged (psychological wounds are worse, more profound and last more than physical wounds). The new curricula teach Jewish kids in 9th grade (12-14 years old) that Jews are part of the class of “white people” oppressing the indigenous “people of color”, who should repent for their “whiteness” if they live in the US and should be boycotted if they live in Israel. This practically covers 90% of the Jewish people on Earth and makes Jews a special category apart, worth of condemnation by everyone else. Sounds familiar?

How can you get all the materials?

You can download for free all the materials described above.

[1] “Boycott of Israel is Wrong: How to fight it

[2a] “The Abraham Accords: Enabling dialog and inclusiveness” (English edition)

[2b] “Los Acuerdos de Abraham: Habilitando el diálogo y la inclusión” (Spanish edition)

[3] “The Israeli-Arab conflict: Seminar by Dr Einat Wilf

[4] “Israeli Literature: Amos Oz” (in Hebrew)

ספרות ישראלית:  עמוס עוז

In order to make all the above widely available, I also published them through Amazon: you can find the books there in additional formats: digital (Kindle, Tablet, Phone) and also in nicely bound hard-copies (paperback).

About the Author
Jaime Kardontchik has a PhD in Physics from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. He lives in the Silicon Valley, California.
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