Canada Needs a New Maple Leaf
Canada Needs a New Maple Leaf
Trudeau wants to feel good about himself. He attempts self-righteous posturing to assume the high moral ground by stating he will abide by the International Criminal Courts (ICC) warrant of arrest for Netanyahu for genocide, “because Canada abides by the law…THAT IS WHO WE ARE.” Human history is filled with corrupt kangaroo courts who falsely accuse and execute those whose politics they dislike and those they simply hate. Many countries chose not to comply with the ICC’s mockery of justice. But not Trudeau.
Melanie Phillips, “The claim of genocide is of course as ludicrous as it is grotesque. Genocide is the intentional annihilation of a people. That’s precisely what Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah openly and repeatedly declare is their aim in the planned eradication of Israel and the killing of every Jew. In defending itself against this mass slaughter, Israel has gone to unprecedented lengths to protect Gazan civilians by repeatedly moving them en masse out of harm’s way, allowing in thousands of tons of humanitarian aid and enabling the Gazan population actually to increase over the course of the war by more than 2%. Despite these demonstrable facts, the United Nations has made feverish attempts to accuse Israel of the crimes being committed against the Jewish state.”
If this was Trudeau’s only sin, we might be more forgiving. But it is not. When you are on the receiving end of praise from Hamas, you are in genocidal, morally depraved company: Dave Gordon, JNS, “Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau received the equivalent of a long-distance high-five from Hamas after Canada’s affirmative UN vote on Dec. 12 supporting an “immediate sustainable ceasefire” in Israel’s war against the Hamas terror organization.” Why didn’t Trudeau instead, loudly demand Hamas lay down their arms? Or demand Hamas renounce their openly stated Jihad goal to repeat Oct. 7th’s massacre again and again, until there are no Jews left in the Middle East, before they come after Jews worldwide?
Gaza could have been a mecca by the sea, with hotels, tourism, peace and prosperity. Instead, Hamas used the millions given to them by the Islamic Republic of Iran, to build tunnels of terror, using child labor, a particularly disgusting form of child abuse, eclipsed only by the “Palestinian” Arabs sending their children to summer camps to learn how to use guns to “kill the evil Jews” as an act of holy martyrdom, while the West remains silent.
Most civilized people wept when they learned of Hamas’ barbarism. “They took every child on a motorbike, put their legs on the exhaust of that motorbike, so they have a burn and will be marked if they run, if they escape, so they can find them”, Times of Israel, Dec. 1, 2023.
Is there any moral difference between Hamas burning children’s legs in order to mark them, and the Nazis tattooing numbers on Jewish children’s arms? By repeating Hamas Central’s Big Lies, Trudeau “marks” Canadians and fuels those who tell the world that these atrocities are not equally morally equivalent. Trudeau simply couldn’t stop himself from repeatedly implicating Israel, long after definitive reports proved that it was in fact, Hamas and/or the Islamic Jihad terror group who were actually behind the failed rocket launch which struck the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza. The dis-information came from the notorious “Health Ministry in Gaza” who delights in reporting the Big Lies they know will be echoed by the media and repeated by today’s knee-jerk, lazy, sloppy leaders.
Trudeau wanted to “make up for the funds now being withheld from UNRWA” in yet another attempt at self-righteousness, as a reaction to other countries withholding funds. Why didn’t he, instead, denounce UNRWA’s textbooks which demonize Jews, incite children to kill Zionists for jihadi martyrdom and show maps with all of Israel gone, replaced by “Palestine.”
There’s more: “The Trudeau Government endorsed a condemnation of Israel for failing to establish a Palestinian Arab state, a regime that pays Arabs to murder Jews, a resolution Canada had consistently opposed since 2006.” Either Trudeau has no knowledge of history or historical context, or he has selective amnesia ensuring Israel is always the bad guy. “For the first time, Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas has admitted that he rejected “out of hand” an Israeli offer for a Palestinian state on nearly 95% of Judea and Samaria. In 2008, Israeli Prime Minister Olmert offered to agree to the creation of an independent PA state including all of Gaza, nearly all of Judea/Samaria, and parts of Israel.”
I am sensing world wide collective fatigue with the decades of fighting in the Middle East. If Trudeau, or his successor, or anyone out there is still having trouble distinguishing a victim from an oppressor, I suggest you take some advice from an unlikely source, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, “In the last several decades the Palestinian leadership has missed one opportunity after the other and rejected all the peace proposals it was given…It is about time the Palestinians take the proposals and agree to come to the negotiations table or shut up and stop complaining.”
BBC: “Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau has apologised for his country’s role in turning away a ship carrying over 900 Jewish refugees fleeing persecution…During the Nazi regime in Germany, Canada accepted fewer Jewish refugees than any other Western nation.” Trudeau’s cheap, easy, without consequence attempt at moralizing succeeds only in making me wonder if Trudeau is fond of only dead or weak Jews, Jews scattered to the ends of the earth.
When you endorse a kangaroo court’s jurisdiction, you begin to resemble a kangaroo. Let’s hope his successor’s moral compass is more intact.
Ginette Weiner
Ginette Weiner, is a published commentator in Jewish and mainstream newspapers, and a lecturer on strategies for combating media bias, antisemitism, and BDS. She holds an MSW and a Certification in “Understanding Media Bias & Israel Advocacy: Defending Israel from Media Bias”, 23rd Mission to Israel, Honest Reporting: June, 2015. She resides in Arizona.