Can’t Biden Thank Israel for Killing Shukar?
He should.
In a better world, Biden would be saying:
“All of America is grateful to Israel for tracking down the Hezbollah terrorist leader Fu’ad Shukar and eliminating him. We too were after him. The FBI had a bounty on his head. He was guilty in the monstrous murder of more than 200 American peacekeepers in Beirut. He has been guilty in the monstrous murder of many Israelis and, indeed, of Jews and gentiles alike around the world.”
But in the real world, no one is hearing America saying this. While America’s enemies and frenemies around the world are viciously condemning Israel for doing the right thing, official America is silent on it — except to express nervousness about it.
Thus Kamala Harris says: Israel has a right to defend itself, but at the same time…. And Anthony Blinken says: We are worried.
In a better era, President Bush sent congratulations to Putin for taking out the terrorist leader, Shamil Basayev. But Bush was in those days counted as a deplorable, and Putin wasn’t. So Bush was permitted to have the elementary moral sense to congratulate Putin.
How a “Deplorocracy” confounds our gratitude today
The “deplorables” classification is one carefully tended to by our media. While Putin was later placed in the category, it is mostly reserved for domestic figures within the West, people who have “incorrect” views and are hated by the media. The category includes Netanyahu, Trump, and all of their supporters. They are never to be congratulated, only deplored, deprecated, and worried about.
Our ruling class defines itself by categorizing its enemies as deplorables and deploring them. It thereby constitutes a new form of social order: a “Deplorocracy”. Defined, quite perceptively even if inadvertently, by Hillary Clinton, a Deplorocracy works as follows:
Society is divided into the Deplorers and the Deplored, or “deplorables”. People are forced to choose their place. Deplore alongside the deplorers, or else get deplored with the deplorables. By this rule, the Deplorocracy defines the proper “place” of its citizen-subjects, sustains the energy differential between them, and continuously replenishes its authority.
The act of deploring the designated deplorables: this is considered a virtue in a Deplorocracy. The deplorables are always supposed to be condemned when speaking of them. Attacking them without regard for truth is treated as praiseworthy.
Deploring deplorables is a means by which everyone, even the lowliest person, can gain an affiliate membership in the ruling class. It makes it an “opt-in” ruling class. Membership brings with it a special privilege of the highest social value: that of recklessly smearing other people, lording it over them, feeling superior to them — and getting praised for it, instead of hearing the condemnation that such vicious behavior would bring in an ordinary society.
It is also an “opt out” ruling class. If one slips, even inadvertently, on upholding the deplorer-deplored hierarchy, one can get swiftly kicked from top to bottom rung. The highest member of the natural elite gets kicked into the lower circles of hell by the deplorers, if they turn against the vicious system of Deplorocracy.
This is how a widely admired Elon Musk becomes instantly a deplorable. Hatred is mobilized against him on a scale so massive as to decimate his customer base and business model, bringing down his net worth by phenomenal sums. Attempts at destroying him are orchestrated on the legal and media levels.
The same happens, in a simpler form, to a Donald Trump, and a Rudy Giuliani. There are serial efforts to bankrupt them by lawfare. The legal system is moved and motivated in this by the furious deplorals of them in the press. It reaps praise in the same press for getting the signal and proceeding with even the most obviously discriminatory prosecutions and penalties.
But it is not only to individuals that the “deplorable” category is applied. It is also applied to the West collectively. And the collective West includes Israel.
In the cutting edge ideology of the Left, and therewith of the Western educational and communications institutions, the West is the designated target for deploring. It is constantly accused of being the root cause of the evils of the world. It is seen as intrinsically deplorable. It is the very core of global deplorability.
That is why throwing wanton accusations at the West– including Israel – is a socially praised activity in our prevailing social milieus. That is why attacking the West with reckless disregard for truth is a rewarded activity.
Conversely, praising the West is looked askance at, as a faux pas, a sign that you don’t know who a socially proper person is supposed to be praising and condemning. The only way to praise the West – and Israel – in a socially acceptable manner is by an inversionary double-take; e.g., praising the West for denouncing itself, or for making concessions to its adversaries.
This is why the institutions do not express America’s gratitude to Israel for the killing of its enemy, and international terrorist monster. Not Israel! Certainly not Netanyahu’s Israel!
And this is why the Biden-Harris Administration does not praise Israel period; it only concedes that Israel does have some rights. It is why the Obama-Biden administration before it would not praise Israel.
How can our gratitude break through?
Biden loudly demands that Israel and Ukraine express gratitude to him for supporting their countries. It is a rather shameless demand, after he has in reality having stabbed them in the back a number of ways, and used his support to tie them down and almost ensure against their winning. But he does not have the moral capacity to express gratitude in the right direction — to them — when it is obviously the right thing to do.
Millions of Americans surely feel gratitude at this time to Israel for taking down the terrorist leader who has killed so many Americans as well as Israelis. Millions of Americans surely know which way is up. They understood that Netanyahu was telling the plain truth, a crucial truth at that, when he told Congress that Israel’s enemies are America’s enemies too, and Israel’s fight against them is America’s fight.
Americans are right to feel gratitude to Israel. But the institutions of America refuse to express the gratitude of the nation. They have a deeply set mental block against doing that.
To be sure, the underclass in the Deplorocracy, those who are designated for getting deplored and excluded from the heights of the institutions: they might express this gratitude. But few are those who hear them.
So, on behalf of all those Americans who do see which way is up, let it be said: We are grateful to Israel for having tracked down and taken out the Hezbollah terrorist leader. We are grateful also to Israel for having taken on itself the very real burdens, risks, and costs of doing this, to the benefit of the safety of America and of the entire world.
We should all be grateful for this.
We should have leaders who know how to express our gratitude.