Caring for Other Moms’ Sons in Nepal
Hundreds of Israeli parents frantically dialed phones, sent emails, and hit the internet when they heard the news of the massive earthquake which rocked ill-prepared Nepal.
I was one of them. My son, who like so many young Israelis, is traveling following his army service, was thankfully far from the disaster, so I am one of the lucky ones for whom the fear and uncertainty are over — on the personal level. However my heart goes out to those for whom the story is still ongoing.
On the national level, none of us is without a degree of worry and hope for the well-being of those whose whereabouts are still unknown. We read the news, try to support the families of those who are still out there, and pray.
Israel has become famous around the world because — in the midst of tragedy — we don’t just sympathize, we act. The Jewish people are committed to tikkun olam — repairing the world. This value has always been close to my heart, and I had the opportunity to share the truth of Israel’s tikkun olam efforts with the international community in our film, Israel Inside.How a Small Nation Makes a Big Difference
So when we received an email from Shachar Zehavi — the founding director of IsraAID, who was featured in Israel Inside — asking for help, I knew we had to take action. IsraAid is preparing a team to join other dedicated Israeli organizations in performing relief efforts in Nepal. Shachar has asked us to spread the word about their efforts so they can raise the necessary funds, and help as many people as possible, as quickly as possible.
Our organization, Jerusalem U, is therefore utilizing our powerful Step Up For Israel community to enable people around the world to join forces in supporting IsraAid’s work in Nepal. This will not only provide crucial aid to the dozens of Israelis who are stranded and injured, and even unaccounted for, but to the countless additional victims who will flock to IsraAid for the support and assistance for which Israel has become world renowned.
Right now there is a unique opportunity to make a huge difference. Thanks to a group of extraordinary donors, every dollar you give to IsraAID’s Nepal relief efforts will be quadrupled! So if you give $10, its matched value will be $40. Click here to see the campaign.
IsraAid has a proud and inspiring history of grassroots international humanitarian relief. They have responded to crises in 22 countries with 156 doctors and nurses and 100 therapists and social workers, assisting over a million people with over 1,000 tons of relief and medical supplies. All the while showing the world what Israel is all about.
If you would like to be a part of IsraAid’s effort, join friends of Israel from around the world in providing your support then please click here. Together, we will shine the bright light of Israel through this terrible crisis, and bring our boys and girls home.
Video: IsraAID Nepal Relief Effort for Nepal Earthquake Victims