Cheryl Levi

Catering to terrorists

The US has put Israel in an impossible position, forcing it to feed Hamas in order to obtain arms it needs to fight Hamas
Armed members of the Hamas terror group ride atop a humanitarian aid truck in Rafah, Gaza Strip, December 19, 2023. (AP)
Armed members of the Hamas terror group ride atop a humanitarian aid truck in Rafah, Gaza Strip, December 19, 2023. (AP)

Every time I hear that Antony Blinken is coming for a visit to Israel to speak to our war cabinet one thing goes through my mind: How much more humanitarian aid will we be sending to Gaza tomorrow?

It doesn’t really sound so bad, does it? We are sending humanitarian aid to the millions of people who have been displaced from their homes, right? The problem is that everyone knows that the Gazans will only get a small fraction of that aid. It will be hijacked by Hamas, distributed to its fighters, and then given to Hamas supporters, and the little that’s left will go to the Gazans. But if I know that, and you know that, shouldn’t US Secretary of State Blinken know it too?

Last week, I saw an interview with a soldier in an IDF intelligence unit whose job is to call various Gazans to warn them to leave their homes and to check in with them and find out what the situation in Gaza is like for the civilians. One Gazan had some interesting things to say:

Gazan: The situation is terrible because the humanitarian people, those who are responsible for the humanitarian aid, are thieves.

IDF officer: Why are they thieves? Are Hamas operatives taking food from the humanitarian services?

Gazan: Of course, of course. Wherever Hamas goes, total destruction follows.

IDF officer: But this place is for humanitarian purposes, they must give food to the civilians. What is Hamas’ connection to it?

Gazan: What is Hamas, my brother? Hamas is involved in everything. It’s best you know. Hamas has their hands on UNRWA administration workers, and it manages UNRWA. They are those in charge of this agency (UNRWA) and those in charge of everywhere else. From the day they rose to power, they took charge of everything.

IDF Officer: As in, they don’t provide food to the civilians?

Gazan: They provide for their people first.

IDF Officer: Do you speak with UNRWA and tell them these things?

Gazan: You mean those in charge of the agency (UNRWA)? Who can you speak with? What I am telling you now is unknown. No one knows about it.

IDF Officer: Are those in charge of the agency in operation with Hamas?

Gazan: The administration workers in the agency (UNRWA) are Hamas.

This interview is enlightening in so many ways. First, we have unbiased confirmation from a Gazan citizen of what we all know: UNRWA is Hamas. UNRWA is the U.N. refugee relief agency that was created by the U.N. to help Palestinian refugees in 1948. Yet, instead of helping Palestinians acclimate and create a healthy society, it has managed to keep these people in refugee status for 75 years. Now they are helping Hamas steal food from Gazan citizens. The horrific stories about UNRWA teachers holding Israeli hostages, celebrating the October 7th attack, and teaching Palestinian children to become martyrs by murdering Jews, suddenly make perfect sense.

Another thing I found fascinating about this interview was that the Gazan citizen assumed he was giving vital and new information about UNRWA to the IDF officer. After all, if the world knew that UNRWA was Hamas, why would they continue to send billions of dollars to support UNRWA? It’s a good question to ask President Biden in particular. Trump stopped supporting UNRWA during his administration, yet Biden renewed American support for UNRWA. According to the New York Post, as of October 10th, 2023, the Biden administration sent UNRWA over $730 million. Or perhaps I should say, Biden sent Hamas over $730 million.

The third thing this interview highlights is the lack of humanitarian aid reaching average Gazans. Recently on the Caroline Glick show (highly recommended), Glick interviewed two women who belonged to the organization “Mothers of Warriors”: Gal Carmeli and Dr. Chana Katan. Their organization is demanding that Israel stop supplying humanitarian aid to Gaza because by sending the aid we are providing much-needed food and fuel to Hamas and putting our own children in dire danger. The organization set up a protest tent in front of the Knesset to get their important message out.

Mothers of Warriors argue that this is an existential war, and we need to get it right. Hamas takes advantage of our sense of morality. But when you are kind to the cruel you are cruel to the kind. It is more important to protect the lives of our children than it is to protect the lives of Hamas operatives and supporters. And America must stop telling us to do things that they themselves have not done.

The truth is Israel is in an impossible position. And it’s a position that America has put them in. They need American bullets. They need American bombs. They need American money. These are all crucial for Israel to fight this war and defend themselves against another October 7th. So, when Blinken demands that they send more aid to Gaza, Israel has little choice. They must send the aid, despite the fact that they know the food ends up feeding hungry Hamas terrorists, and the fuel ends up firing up the rockets being shot at Tel-Aviv.

The fact is, the Mothers of Warriors’ tent should not really be sitting in front of the Knesset, it should be placed squarely at the door of the American embassy. In the coming days, the American Gerald Ford aircraft carrier will pull away from the shores of Israel. As they do, the mothers of Israel will be sadly waving goodbye from the graves of their sons and daughters, while the terrorists who murdered their children will be feasting on the food sent over by Israel at the behest of America.

About the Author
Cheryl Levi is a writer and a high school English teacher who lives with her family in Bet Shemesh, Israel. She has a master's degree in medieval Jewish philosophy and has written numerous articles about faith crisis in Judaism. Her book, Reasonable Doubts, was published in 2010.
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