Marc Levy

Control of the distribution of humanitarian aid in Gaza: Key to Hamas’ power

According to most analysts, while Hamas is mostly defeated militarily, they still control the Gaza Strip, largely due to the control it exercises over the distribution of humanitarian aid.

So far, the Cabinet has not figured out how to change this reality.

The various solutions put forward each have their own difficulties:

  • The idea of ​​entrusting this task to the Palestinian Authority is rejected by the Prime Minister.
  • The various Arab states approached set conditions that revolve around the same idea and encounter the same resistance.
  • Entrusting this task to Tsahal would require the mobilization of too many fighters, while the North is now the main front.
  • If we want to find an “out of the box” solution, we must remember the French singer Jean Ferrat who declared that “Woman is the future of Man”.

Dare to entrust the distribution of humanitarian aid to the women of Gaza!

The difficulties to be faced are multiple: Machismo and traditional domination of women in the Muslim world and in particular in Gaza; indoctrination and consent to the principles of Hamas; disguise of fighters as women…

On the other hand, entrusting women with the responsibility of distributing humanitarian aid has certain advantages:

  • They traditionally play a social and family role that corresponds to the ideology of humanitarian aid.
  • They are not combatants, with rare exceptions.
  • They are easily identifiable, which allows for immediate control.

In concrete terms, how could things happen?

Imagine that humanitarian convoys are handled only by women residing in the neighborhoods where the distribution of aid is due to take place, in coordination with humanitarian organizations and that they are approved by Tsahal.

The humanitarian organizations themselves should comply with this rule as a prerequisite to receiving the convoys. 

The IDF could monitor compliance with these conditions with few troops and remote monitoring mechanisms.

The success of such an attempt is not assured, but maintaining the current situation is disastrous because it ensures the sustainability of Hamas as a civilian force and therefore its eventual rebuilding as a military force.

This experiment must be tried; a genuine dialogue with humanitarian organizations will allow their commitment to the success of the operation, which is ultimately in line with their calling.

About the Author
Marc levy, consultant, former lawyer at the Paris and Brussels bars. Human rights activist, founded the legal commission of the French anti-racist organization LICRA. He lives in Jerusalem since his aliyah a dozen years ago.
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