Dear Jeremy, Dayenu means Dayenu
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If with Hamas and Hizbollah he’d be friendly, and not invited Raed Salah for tea, Dayenu.
If he had invited Raed Salah for tea, and not taken money from Press TV, Dayenu.
If he had taken money from Press TV, and not supported Stephen Sizer publicly, Dayenu.
If he had supported Stephen Sizer publicly, and not given Paul Eisen money, Dayenu.
If he had given Paul Eisen money, and not failed to say the word Israel positively, Dayenu.
If he had failed to say the word Israel positively, and not fudged the Chakrabati inquiry, Dayenu.
If he had fudged the Chakrabati inquiry, and not given a peerage to Chakrabati, Dayenu.
If he had given a peerage to Chakrabati, and not failed to expel Ken Livingstone from the party, Dayenu.
If he had failed to expel Ken Livingstone from the party, and not ignored anti-Semitic abuse of Ruth Smeeth MP, Dayenu.
If he had ignored anti-Semitic abuse of Ruth Smeeth MP, and not failed to criticise Len McCluskey, Dayenu.
If he had failed to criticise Len McCluskey, and not said of the mural ‘let it be’, Dayenu.
If he had said of the mural ‘let it be’, and not been added to anti-semitic Facebook groups ‘passively’, Dayenu.
If he had been added to anti-semitic Facebook groups ‘passively’, and not couched anti-semitism in anti-racism repeatedly, Dayenu.
If he had couched anti-semitism in anti-racism repeatedly, and not left Jews without a Labour Party, Dayenu.
References: This article lists many of the stories to which this poem was referring to.