Tamar Adelstein

Dear President Trump – The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Message for True Peace in Gaza

'מטה 'צדק לעוטף - Mateh Tzedek LaOtef (Administration for Justice for Gaza Envelope)


February 4, 2025

Dear President Trump,

As negotiations continue to work their way toward securing the freedom of hostages held by Hamas, YM”SH and the future in Gaza, Crown Heights Women for the Safety and Integrity of Israel wishes to bring to your immediate attention the below important points:

It was the summer of 1945, and the Jewish High Holidays were fast approaching.  Earl Harrison, President Truman’s appointee sent to investigate how Jewish refugees and survivors were being treated in the DP Camps, had just published his scathing report decrying their circumstances.

Under the auspices of General George Patton, the She’aris Hapleta, the surviving remnant of Jews, were found to be living in unfit conditions, heavily guarded behind barbed wire and still wearing their concentration camp uniforms. Even worse, intense pressure was being put on them to repatriate to the countries they had come from, where everyone they knew had willingly collaborated with the Nazis to exterminate them.

In response to the ignominious report, General Eisenhower immediately gave orders that American troops were to interact and assist survivors with every courtesy and kindness; Eisenhower also designated them as stateless, enabling refugees and survivors to stay in DP camps of their choice for as long as needed before immigrating elsewhere.

Having heard about the Klausenburger Rebbe’s leading spiritual and fatherly role giving succor and encouragement throughout the DP camps, the General wanted to meet the Rebbe, coming, as it turned out, on the very first Yom Kippur after the Holocaust.

The Rebbe thanked the General for defeating the evil Nazis and liberating the Jews from the slave labor and death camps.

Asking what more he could do, the Rebbe explained their need for kosher food, religious items and if possible, help in procuring the Arba Minim for Succos to which General Eisenhower instantly gave orders for.

Before leaving he asked the Rebbe to bless him. The Rebbe replied: “In the merit of your saving so many thousands of Jews from the cruel hands of the Germans, G-d will make you rise higher and higher until you occupy the highest post in your land!” Indeed, seven years later Eisenhower became president and would say it was because of the Rebbe’s blessing.

Likewise, President Trump your benevolent treatment toward the Jewish People has brought you the blessing to rise twice to the highest post in America, despite the many obstacles that stood in your way.

As an admirer of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, surely Mr. President you are familiar with the Rebbe’s directives for true peace under the banner of Shleimus HaAretz – preserving the Land of Israel’s territorial integrity to protect Jewish lives – and, which the Rebbe said, will even save the lives of Israel’s enemies when they see Israel is ready to stand strong and protect its citizens and borders from harm.

In 1991, an activist developing Jewish settlement in Gaza came to the Rebbe seeking a communal blessing. The Rebbe responded with the following counsel:

“In Gaza, absolute security and full control must be maintained without any form of capitulation. May your efforts be met with much success.”

“The Hebrew meaning of Gaza implies taking a strong, courageous stance. However, if control can be achieved through pleasant and peaceful means, that would be the ideal approach.”

The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s words are as relevant today as when he first spoke them!

Hamas is supported by the vast majority of Arabs in Gaza as well as by their Palestinian brothers and sisters in arms throughout Judea and Samaria where the Palestinian Authority pays them handsomely to murder and maim Jews.

Hamas’ contemptuous parading of hostages in the moments before their release should demonstrate beyond any shadow of a doubt why the Rebbe said Israel must assert absolute security and full control over Gaza – and not just the DAY AFTER but immediately.

Recently liberated hostage Liri Albag should be taken seriously when she says there are two million terrorists living in Gaza.

Mr. President, your suggestion for Egypt and Jordan to take in Gaza’s Arabs is a just and common-sense one that will protect and save millions of Jewish lives.

We have been told there are 2 million vacant apartments available for immediate occupancy in Egypt; ready to house Gaza’s Arabs, most of whom are the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Egyptians who moved to Gaza when the Ottoman Empire ruled the area – who came seeking to improve their fortunes in the wake of Jewish immigrants revitalizing what had previously been a neglected backwater.

Add international aid and IMF funds to the generous financial package of US dollars already going to Egypt and you have first part of an ultimately peaceful and pleasant win for everyone.

The second part comes with the State of Israel asserting its full and unconditional sovereignty over Gaza (and Judea and Samaria) followed by implementing the Tzedek L’OTEF plan and Map renewing Jewish life there.

Drafted by Jewish residents who live along Gaza’s periphery, who suffered so much on October 7, the plan ensures it will be truly safe for them return and rebuild their Kibbutzim and Moshavim. As for the 80,000 Jews who were forcibly expelled by Ariel Sharon in 2005 from their beautiful and thriving communities, they eagerly look forward to returning bigger and better in Gaza.

President Trump, we applaud your efforts to secure America’s borders and remove dangerous criminals from the country.

We ask that you likewise support the Jewish People and the State of Israel in securing its borders and removing enemies intent on throwing every Jew out from the river to the sea.

We ask that you reject simplistic solutions for peace on the State of Israel such as unconditional ceasefires without achieving military objectives.

We ask that you support a common-sense and Torah-based military strategy that emphasizes:  Credible deterrence, taking pre-emptive action, and bringing Israel’s enemies to their knees in complete, unconditional surrender with no chance of ever regrouping to pose a future threat.

We ask that you support full Jewish sovereignty, security and settlement over Gaza, Judea and Samaria and reject any notion of Palestinian autonomy, statehood or placing any type of international or regional authority over Gaza.

And, of course, Mr. President, we ask that you hold in the highest esteem the Jewish People’s Divine right to the entire Land of Israel including the territories miraculously liberated in the Six Day War.

For therein lies the blessing that G-d will give you to rise higher and higher in your post as President to make America great again.

About the Author
I am originally from Buffalo, NY and although I did not have a religious upbringing I always felt a strong connection with Yiddishkeit and Eretz Yisroel. I still get chills recalling the moment the Rabbi announced that Israel had been attacked on Yom Kippur. In the weeks that followed, even though I really didn't understand all the details, I was the one student in my 10th grade Social Studies class who challenged our German-American teacher when he said Israel would be wiped out. Interestingly, the rest of Jewish kids in the class who came from much more Jewishly -oriented homes than I were silent. Years later I met one of them and was astounded to find out how they were all silently cheering me on. On the day the Jews were "disengaged" from Gush Katif, I was stopped in the grocery store (in Buffalo) by a little Jewish lady who whispered to me that she didn't think it was right what Israel was doing. Which just goes to show that there is a vast silent majority of Jews who agree with the Rebbe's approach to peace.
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