Yoseph Janowski
By the Grace of G-d

Dollars and swords

In a quickly changing world, money and warfare are changing things.

Take the recent US election. Most people said that the economy influenced their vote. They said that inflation caused them to vote for Trump; and now Trump is using the power of money to change the world. He has threatened numerous countries with tariffs, if they don’t improve things the way he’d like to see it.

And warfare. Fighting in Ukraine and the Middle East, including new fighting in Syria, is changing the world.

And money is coming to play also in the Middle East, as past sanctions, and the threat of new sanctions, are causing Iran to try to reach a diplomatic solution.

The future is cloudy but the future looks bright. We don’t know how things will play out, but there’s reason for optimism. Evil entities have been (and continue to be) destroyed. Hamas and Hezbollah have been decimated. Iran is losing influence in Syria, as rebels attack. No one knows what will happen; but if pressure against Iran continues, there is reason to be optimistic that the Iranian threat will somehow dissipate.

Money and swords. Interestingly, in the times of Moshiach, swords will be beaten into ploughshares, while delicacies will be plentiful for all.

When Moshiach comes, nations of the world will recognize and accept G-d’s rulership. And the laws that G-d told Moses at Mount Sinai — the seven Noahide laws for all the nations of the world to keep — those laws will be the accepted currency and authority.

There won’t be a need to root out evil, because evil will be gone. There won’t be a need for one nation to try to force its way against another nation, because Moshiach will judge, and the nations will accept his judgment. Because Moshiach will judge according to G-d‘s laws, and the ways of the Torah are pleasant and peaceful.

So although money and weapons are being used nowadays to try to force the world to change, very soon G-d will send His righteous Moshiach, and the world will become a place of happiness, peace and contentment for all.

Made it happen very soon.

About the Author
The author lives in Toronto, Canada. He has written for
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