Druze, not Jews – Israel protects everyone
When Hezbollah targeted the murder of children playing soccer in the northern Israeli town of Majdal Shams, the Iranian terrorist proxy denied that it was their missile which caused the carnage. Why? Hezbollah proudly proclaims their involvement when they kill Jews, but the Druze are another matter entirely.
I have been to Majdal Shams on my way to Mount Hermon, one of the highest mountains in the Middle East and the only place in Israel where one can ski in an unusually cold winter. There are even a few towns resembling the Swiss Alpine community.
The Druze are members of an Arab sect frequently described as an “off shoot” of Islam. There are approximately 150,000 Druze living in Israel and 1 million across the Middle East.
The Druze abandoned mainstream Islam and instead put their faith in the Greek philosophers, Socrates and such. The Druze are frequently described as having a “secret” religion.
Most of the Druze live in Israel, Syria and Lebanon. They are monotheists and the followers consider that they are separate from modern day Islam. The Druze believe in a combination of Isma’ilism, a sect of Islam, but also have respect for Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. The Druze believes that Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, is a revered prophet of their faith. In that respect, they are similar to Noahides.
Many of the Druze are brave fighters in the Israeli Army along with Bedouins, Christians, and others.
The Druze were mercilessly persecuted by the majority Islamic sects for their religious views. But for Israel, it is hard to believe that any of them would survive today.
Majdal Shams is in the upper Golan Heights. That used to be an area where Syria would stage its artillery attacks and wars against Israel. The strategic plateau in the Golan Heights gave the enemy many opportunities to seek destruction of the Jewish state.
Christians used to be a significant percentage in the Middle East but now due to fundamentalist Islamic persecution, they are a tiny percentage of people left. The truth is that other than majority Muslim populations, it is virtually impossible for a Druze, Christian, Jew, or anyone else to survive in the Middle East. At one time there were almost 1 million Jews in North Africa and the Middle East. All of them were murdered or had to flee, some taking refuge in the United States and other nations and a large number making their way to the land of Israel.
It should be no surprise that terrorist groups with no conscience, would attack those who support Israel. Since the Druze support Israel and identify with the Nation of Israel, they are no better than the Kurds, Christians, Bahaists, and others who seek and receive protection from the Jewish nation.
This should be a lesson for the United States and Europe. Any friend of democracy, freedom, and diversity is going to be a target for those who seek to impose Islamic fundamentalism on the world.
Electronic communications intercepted between terrorist leaders clearly demonstrate that these monsters seek not only destruction of others but also the killing of their own people. Women and children under the control of Hamas and Hezbollah serve the same useful purpose as missiles, rockets, and bombs. The now deceased terrorist Haniyeh said that the death of woman and children in Gaza helps the Palestinian cause while he enjoyed the luxury of Qatar or Tehran.
When an American presidential candidate focuses not on the rape and murder committed by terrorists, but instead on the suffering of the people in Gaza, we need to ask ourselves why she is tone deaf to the reality that the suffering in the Middle East is directly caused by the terrorist nations and their proxies that proudly proclaim the end of western civilization.
When a candidate for public office says nothing in her own words about the murder of children playing soccer, who belong to the Druze religion, it is easy to understand that the candidate does not consider the Druze as important people. Perhaps their population is not large enough. Maybe the issue is that Druze live under the protection of Israel. The Druze, in the Middle East, occupy a position similar to the Christians. They are small in number and the only nation capable of protecting them is the State of Israel. That apparently is not important to some politicians in the United States and throughout the western world.
Israel could very well blow off the murder of Druze children. After all, it is not a particularly large population although 50,000-100,000 in a nation of 9.5 million, is nothing to shake a stick at. However, to Israel the Druze are an important part of the tapestry that makes Israel special. It is a nation made up of native Israelis, present in the country for 3,000 years, as well as those who have sought refuge in the Holy Land such as Ethiopians, Yemenites, Christians, Jews, and a host of others too numerous to mention.
The war against Israel is a war against freedom, peace, and democracy. Most importantly is a war against diversity and those values which the West at least used to hold dear.
The murder of the Druze children in Israel may not even constitute an attack on Israeli citizens. Many Druze are not Israeli citizens but nevertheless the nation grants them permanent status under its umbrella of peace and security.
After the attack on the soccer field by Hezbollah, many of the Druze were anxious to send their own militias into Lebanon, where they have cohorts and coreligionists. The Druze were ready to fight and die to vindicate their honor. Hezbollah is not only an enemy of the West, but also of its own people, of other Muslims who may think differently or be peaceable.
When a Muslim marches in the streets of the United States supporting the death and destruction of Jews, they may not be saying it out loud, but they are seeking the death of anyone who is not a pro-Jihadist terrorist. Their victims may be fellow Muslims, Christians, Jews, Druze, or a variety of other people who are not affiliated with terrorism.
The Druze children who were murdered playing soccer are all of us.