Robert B. Sklaroff

Electing ANY Democrat-POTUS Empowers ObamaGate Grifters – Part IV – Flynn

ObamaGate is the worst political scandal in American History for—unlike Watergate—Obama BOTH planned AND covered-up the total-government effort to block and to remove a duly elected President, Donald J. Trump.

I submitted the ToI essay published on Sunday as a Filing to the District Court, in anticipation that the case will be “live” after the Circuit Court Hearing tomorrow, that is entitled: BRIEF AMICUS CURIAE SUPPORTING *PARTIAL* DENIAL OF THE GOVERNMENT’S MOTION TO DISMISS.

It is anticipated that “Flynn/DoJ vs. Sullivan” colloquy will not result in honoring the Mandamus filing, yielding ongoing assessment of the possibility of a contempt charge by Judge Sullivan; that’s why the brief was only filed in the latter (anticipating that any such claim of perjury would not survive scrutiny).

Nevertheless, copies thereof were circulated to 11 attorneys who obviously overlap, so it’s possible that its unique existence could influence the proceedings; candidly, my goal is to provide Judge Sullivan an “exit ramp” after he documents the inability to sentence Flynn for “Perjury,” mirroring what he did after discovering DoJ errors when Senator Ted Stevens was inappropriately prosecuted.

He could again explore prosecutorial misconduct, potentially unearthing a declassified document showing that the Intel Community knew the Steele Dossier was unreliable by 2017; this again dramatizes the concern expressed yesterday by Lara Logan that Barr/Durham appear to be slow-rolling the DoJ’s investigation.

My perspective was supported on Fox News [“Fox and Friends”] this-a.m. [Flynn brief says judge ‘exceeded’ power in not dismissing case: ‘This Court should order the umpire to leave the field’] by Judge Andrew Napolitano; he had adopted a comparable position a month ago [Judge Napolitano: Why Bill Barr actually did the ‘unthinkable].

None of this is countered by anticipated filings from Sullivan (painstakingly documented, if the reader ignores injection of politics); after I filed my brief, others including House Judiciary Dems submitted their input.

After the D.C. Circuit ordered Sullivan to respond to the Flynn petition, Sullivan directed Flynn’s fired lawyers to reappear in his case, suggesting that he feels they may have some ‘splainin’ to do; my initiative is consistent with what Tom Fitton desires: “I Would Like Judge Sullivan to Institute Criminal Contempt Proceedings Against the Justice Dept. and FBI Officials” behind framing of Flynn.

Two extended essays explore the Railroading of Michael Flynn (how it happened and why it matters) by Eli Lake and How Russiagate Began With Obama’s Iran Deal Domestic Spying Campaign (because Michael Flynn posed a threat to the former president’s legacy and was made to pay for it) BY LEE SMITH; this latter essay (claiming ObamaGate began with Obama’s Iran Deal and his domestic spying campaign on Flynn who promised to publicize Obama’s Secret Deals with Iran) harkens back to multiple essays I wrote against the JCPOA (“Iran-Nuke Capitulation-Pact”) starting more than a half-decade ago (e.g., The House must sue to block illegal Iran pact).


Sullivan has his supporters (Sullivan is handling the Flynn case just fine), but here are Sullivan critics who are attacking his politics (Sullivan Is Left’s New Hero; Sullivan’s Appointed ‘Stand-in’ Judge Gleeson Represented Crooked Sally Yates and Worked with Mueller’s Pitbull Andrew Weissmann; Sullivan Needs To Recuse Himself; Undercover Huber Busts Sullivan for ‘Stall Tactics Waiting for a Biden DOJ’; Sullivan’s apparent motive is to prolong the court process; Sullivan Arranged Speaking Gig for James Comey at Howard University for $100,000) and his professionalism (By Refusing DoJ Decision to Drop Flynn Case Sullivan Ignored UNANIMOUS Supreme Court Decision from LAST WEEK; The Constitution Requires Sullivan’s Lawless Amicus Order Against Flynn Be Overturned; Attorney Sol Wisenberg claimed, “If the Government Wants to Dismiss a Case – The District Court Cannot Refuse to Do So!”; Sidney Powell Hits Back Against Sullivan’s Dirty Political Move to Delay Flynn Case, ‘Proposed Amicus Brief Has No Place in This Court’).

One blogger at “” (Shipwreckedcrew) has generated extensive critique of Sullivan’s posture; careful review thereof yields NO contradiction between these assertions and my filing:

Are Personal Relationships Behind FBI Dir. Wray’s Resistance to Disclosing Information Regarding the Flynn Case?

Understanding the Process Used to Coerce Gen. Flynn’s Guilty Plea Shows Why His “Admission” Is Practically Meaningless (Part One)

The Government Could Not Win the Case Against Gen. Flynn; Dismissal Was the Only Option (Part Two)

Dismissal Filing in Flynn Case Extracts High Price From Comey

What Happens at Lawfareblog When Ben Wittes’s Baby Cannon Explodes in His Face

Lawfareblog Doubles Down With an Actual Legal Author — but Gets Same Bad Results

Lawfareblog Forfeits Claim to Integrity — No Other Explanation For Consistent Falsehoods In Story By Barbara McQuade

The One Where Wittes and Jurecic Ask Moderately Legitimate Questions — Probably Because The Atlantic Insisted on It.

Andrew McCabe Unplugged — Is This CNN or MTV?

Mary McCord and the Federal Bureau of Purposes — NYT Op-Ed or The Onion?

Adam Goldman of NYT Writes Inane Article on Gen. Flynn Case — 3rd Pulitzer a Given

Judge Emmet Sullivan Likely Committed Reversible Error In Taking The Guilty Plea of General Michael Flynn

Recent Decisions of the Court of Appeals for DC Circuit Show Sullivan Must Dismiss Flynn Case

A Common Feature in the Guilty Plea From Gen. Flynn and a Criminal Case From the Uranium One Scandal

A Quick Overview of the Latest Filing by Gen. Flynn’s Attorneys in the Court of Appeals

State Attorneys General State Compelling Arguments Why Sullivan Must Dismiss Flynn Case

Thoughts on DC Circuit Court of Appeals Ordering Judge Sullivan to Respond to Flynn Petition

U.S. v. Cowan — A Case Likely to Be Relied Upon by Sullivan Will Not Save Him in the End

Visits by FBI Inspections Division Can Have Real Consequences — Heads Often Roll

Curiously Odd Decision by Judge Sullivan to Hire Beth Wilkinson

The Filing by Judge Sullivan With The Circuit Court Is A Joke.

DC Circuit Court Does Judge Sullivan No Favors In Order Setting Oral Argument

The Highly Anticipated Brief From Judge Gleeson on the Flynn Case — Mueller Report Redux

Part 1 Of My Review Of The DOJ Brief And Preview of Flynn Case Oral Argument

Part 2 Of My Review Of The DOJ Brief And Preview of Flynn Case Oral Argument

Judge Gleeson Takes Liberties In His Citation to Appeals Court and SCOTUS Decisions

Judge Gleeson’s Dubious Reliance on US v. Ammidown Exposes Weakness of His Brief

About the Author
Robert B. Sklaroff MD is a physician-activist who is a radical, liberal, moderate, conservative, reactionary [depending upon the topic] who has developed many political stances that scrupulously attempt to identify the "nut" of "hot" issues; although predictions are notoriously deficient [as assiduously chronicled by my son], my insights are durable. I have also written about medical politics [particularly Vaping and ObamaDon'tCare] and have attempted to articulate the action-item [that I have often pursued absent support]. Aggressively followed is the discipline of capturing and then addressing all reputable perspectives; the reader is thereby maximally "armed" to critique the output.
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