Electing any Democrat-POTUS empowers ObamaGate Grifters – Part IX – Russia (2)
In follow-up of yesterday’s “Russia, Russia, Russia” discussion, it is necessary to provide follow-up … with a “twist”; again, however, before providing additional context to what has occurred in the Flynn case—and why it matters—it’s desirable to again highlight the news-summaries of the past two days c/o “*Ace of Spades*” & AND c/o “*PJMedia*”; the perceptions conveyed continue to be right-on regarding lotsa “hot” issues, even as many hyperlinks overlap. {Reminder: Hyperlinks surrounded by asterisks (*) are amenable to being read in their entirety.}
A friend provided his update of Phil Ochs’ “Love me, I’m a Liberal”:
I laughed when we ripped down the statues,
Goodbye Lincoln, Columbus, and Grant,
I cheered when we occupied Seattle,
No peace, no justice, we’d chant.
But DeBlasio got what was coming
He got riots and looting this time
So love me, love me, love me, I’m progressive
I go to Black Lives Matter rallies
And I put down the old G.O.P.
I love Nancy, Chuckie, and the Squad
I hope everyone thinks just like me.
So let’s talk about revolution
My professors said that was the way
So love me, love me, love me, i’m progressive
I cheered when Bernie was running
My faith in the system restored
I’m glad AOC was elected
She’s a fine Democrat socialist like me
I love undocumented workers
As long as they don’t move next door
So love me, love me, love I’m progressive.
The people of old Mississippi
Should all hold their heads up high
I’m glad that their flag is now changing
The Confederate symbol goodbye
But if you try to teach me about history
The truth matters not the facts
So love me, love me, love me, I’m progressive
I view CNN and Huffington
I’ve learned to take every view
You know, I’ve memorized Alinsky and Chomsky
I feel like I’m almost a Jew
But when it comes to burning our flag
There’s no one more red, white and blue
So love me, love me, love me, I’m progressive
I vote for the democrat party
They want all your guns to be gone
I go where the DNC tells me
I love being used as their pawn
I’ll send all the money you ask for
I’ll protest on Donald Trump’s lawn
So love me, love me, love me, i’m progressive
I once was young and impulsive
I wore every conceivable pin
Even went to the Marxist meetings
Learned all the old rants and spin
But I’ve grown older and wiser
I’m going after cops and their kin
So love me, love me, love me, I’m progressive
{This was posted on my sites (Facebook, Twitter, Parler) and on a buncha Facebook groups (Deplorables United for President Trump; Restoring America Together; Jewish Tea Party of America; Restoring America Together; Conservative United; Trump 2020; Jewish GOP – Trump/Pence; Jewish Activist; #Jewish Politics Uncensored; Jewish Bucks; PA for Trump; Philly Suburbs Support Pres Trump; Friends who like One America News Network; Resist the Resistance; Patriotic Jewish Republicans; Ted Cruz 46; Ted Cruz, America’s Senator, Warrior and Defender of the Constitution; Ted Cruz – 2024; Bucks County Conservative Republicans; and Christian Conservatives.}
Already discussed is why the ‘Russian Bounties’ Story Is the New ‘Russian Collusion’ Hoax; of course, the lefties have attempted to perpetuate it, despite denials and lamentations regarding leaks, but note that the Drudge Report highlighted a story claiming Trump “faces pressure over Russia bounties to kill US troops and that he had claimed the “revelation” is a HOAX that didn’t stop celebration by Dem-SCHIFF.
All this seems pretty innocent, simply constituting reporting the news; yet, this headline resource also highlighted “National security advisor reveals it WAS in his brief” and “Blames CIA” disingenuously. The Donald had highlighted what had appeared to be Matt’s evolution toward libs, and it seems he was again prescient; anyone relying upon his article-summaries was HOODWINKED.
The first one links to the U.K.’s Daily Mail, where the subheadline tells a different story [“Donald Trump calls revelation of Russian bounties for dead Americans ‘a made up by fake news hoax’ – but his own national security advisor reveals it WAS in president’s brief but he wasn’t verbally told because it was ‘unverified’”]; the second one also includes a key narrative [“National security adviser says Trump’s CIA briefer decided not to share Russia bounty intel”].
So what happened is that the experienced CIA-staffer decided not to emphasize it until it had been verified, as is the norm within the Intelligence World. As a result, US Intelligence said this leak of the Russian Bounty story was “A Crime” and had jeopardized the ongoing investigation thereof [“The selective leaking of any classified information disrupts the vital intelligence work to collect, assess, and mitigate threats and places our forces at risk. It is also, simply put, a crime.”]
Nearly the entire corporate media establishment went wild, playing games yet again by citing claims by a completely Anonymous intelligence community source of the Russia Leak; even Geraldo Rivera (a.k.a. “Jerry Rivers”) exclaimed, “Why would anybody believe the New York Times about any purported connection between Russia and Donald Trump?”
Curiously, a follow-up report in the NY Times subtly undercut key aspects of its Russia-Taliban Bounty Scoops; “Those definitive statements that Trump was directly briefed on the intelligence, and that U.S. officials had largely verified it, were gone from the Times’ follow-up piece on Monday.”
What I had postulated yesterday (it’s not surprising that Russia/China/Iran help America’s foes) appears to have been corroborated by an Ex-Taliban who claimed this concern “goes back five years; tonight, SoS Pompeo noted efforts continue to separate the Taliban from Al Qaeda [on FNC] and, thus, the impact of this flamboyant behavior remains unclear.
CONCLUSIONS are BOTH that the Drive-by-Media (Rush Limbaugh’s terminology) again initiated a narrative that was overtly intended to damage Trump politically (aided/abetted by the Deep State) AND that the process of public figures “choosing up sides” enhances the pre-election polarization.
The implications are unnerving, for some feel the rule of law is collapsing, to be replaced by the rule of the mob [per Andrew C. McCarthy, a former assistant U.S. attorney]; I chatted with him a few years ago and have occasionally interacted with him (highly respectfully) since then, via e-mail.
Also, former Marxist Thomas Sowell Told Mark Levin how “Systemic Racism” isn’t backed by facts, and he lamented that youth are “not taught how to test things against facts, for they’re just taught to repeat these slogans. And when you try to talk to them in terms of facts, they think that you’re trying to confuse them.”
Thomas Sowell at 90 Is more relevant than ever; he just sounded an alarm to Mark Levin about the left’s efforts to block charter schools; tonight, Mark Levin [“the great one” who is a fellow-graduate of Cheltenham High School] discussed an article that Dan Bongino also highlighted: Biden wants to destroy the suburbs.
Although I have retained extensive documentation of the “Cancel Culture” for future reference, it is desirable to lament that it is now targeting innocent, normal people; a man was intentionally misinterpreted and fired after the mobs demanded it.
Even the Washington Post has published a lamentation:
Today’s cancel culture — erasing history, ending careers — is inflicted by people experiencing an orgy of positive feelings about themselves as they negate others. This culture is a steamy sauna of self-congratulation: “I, an adjunct professor of gender studies, am superior to U.S. Grant, so there.” [Ignored is the fact that] Grant promptly freed the slave he received from his father-in-law, and went on to pulverize the slavocracy.
On the other hand, characteristic of the psychological concept of “projection” is an essay by leftie-Newsweek [no longer a print weekly] whining that Conservatives Are “Weaponizing” the Cancel Culture; to the contrary, “The signal of a turn toward totalitarianism” is the far-left’s manifestations of nihilism via attacks on monuments.
Dennis Prager discussed Communism, Cancel Culture & Systemic Racism [“The Undoing of American Liberty”] in a lecture that’s [sadly] apt for the Independence Day Weekend; this is all the more jarring when it’s noted that Bolton’s memoir already sold 780,000 copies, for who wudda thunk he’d sell-out his belief system to those whom he had lambasted (even having created his own PAC, to amplify his effort) for a faulty foreign policy (particularly regarding Iran). FINALLY, it is necessary to recognize how the Fake Political Media served as Eager Partners in Joe Biden’s Fake Press Conference
Dennis Prager discussed Communism, Cancel Culture & Systemic Racism [“The Undoing of American Liberty”] in a lecture that’s [sadly] apt for the Independence Day Weekend; this is all the more jarring when it’s noted that Bolton’s memoir already sold 780,000 copies, for who wudda thunk he’d sell-out his belief system to those whom he had lambasted (even having created his own PAC, to amplify his effort) for a faulty foreign policy (particularly regarding Iran).
Recalling how the NY-Times treated his op-ed, Senator Tom Cotton has warned:
The mob doesn’t stop at statues. Rioters have torched police precincts & low-income housing. Churches and synagogues have not been spared. Next, perhaps, the mob will target the homes of police officers. Soon enough, the mob may come for you, your home, & your family.
Counterpointing the NY-Times is this admonition c/o the NYPost:
To fight this moral panic, ordinary people will have to be brave, and we all need to show solidarity: People will have to stand up for their friends when they’re in danger of being swarmed, companies will have to stand up for their employees and the rest of us will have to speak out for all of them.
FINALLY, it is necessary to recognize how the Fake Political Media served as Eager Partners in Joe Biden’s Fake Press Conference; this obviously-staged event was pathetic for, as The Donald noted, he called on select reporters according to a pre-arranged listing, and his answers were read from a teleprompter (suggesting, of course, that he and his staff were aware of the softball queries ahead-of-time).
So sad.