Barry L. Schwartz
Rabbi, Author, Teacher

Even in a House Divided

Even in a house divided, there is room.

Room to listen; room to learn.

Room to conciliate; room to cooperate.

Room to rediscover; room to reimagine.


Even is a house divided there is room.

Room to find common cause; room to forge uncommon connections.

Room to achieve consensus; room to attain compromise.

Room to serve community; room to salute country.


Even in a house divided there is room.

Room to tell our story; room to honor our heritage.

Room to give our thanks; room to offer our gratitude.

Room to express our empathy; room to rejoice in our plenty.


Even in a house divided there is room.

Room to realize that love knows no boundaries.

Room to realize that compassion knows no borders.

Room to know that hope has no ceiling.

Room to confirm that courage has no confines.


Even in a house divided there is room.

But the choices are hard.

Room to revile or room to reconcile?

Room to build up; or room to tear down?

Room to discourse civilly or room to war uncivilly?


It has been said that a house divided cannot stand.

Yet there is always room to rebuild anew.


May we have the faith of Abraham and the fortitude of Sarah;

the trust of Isaac and the tenacity of Rebekah;

the persistence of Jacob and the perseverance of Leah and Rachel

the audacity of Joseph and the daring of Moses

to bring us that much closer to the promised land of a more perfect union.


For even in a house divided, there is room.

About the Author
Barry L. Schwartz is director emeritus of The Jewish Publication Society, rabbi of Congregation Adas Emuno in Leonia, New Jersey, and author, most recently, of Open Judaism: A Guide for Believers, Atheists, and Agnostics (JPS, 2023).
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