Arie E. Pelta

Exile and Redemption (part 14 of 14)

1) How many years will the world as we know it exist?

6,000 years. The modern return to Zion began around 1880 which is the Jewish year 5,640. This means we have 216 years from today (5784/2024) to get everything done.

Talmud Bavli, Sanhedrin 97a-b

Rav Katina said: “The world will exist for six thousand years and for one thousand years afterwards it will be destroyed…The last two thousand years are potential year of the Messianic era, but due to our numerous sins, the years that have gone from them are gone.

2) Most people are expecting overt miracles to announce the era of Moshiach, such as flying to Israel on actual eagles.  Our synagogues homes cars and belongings flying through the air from the USA, and being placed in prime real-estate like Ramat Beit Shemesh. Will this probably occur?

No and it’s foolish to actually believe in any of this. More likely redemption will be a gradual process without manifest miracles. Just as G-d promised us our redemption from Egypt; so too G-d promised via the Naviim, that we will eventually return from the Edomite Galus (USA). The Redemption will happen in its time בעתה.

Talmud Bavli, Sanhedrin 98a

Rav Alexandri said: Rav Yehoshua ben Levi pointed out a contradiction. It says, “In its time (Yehoshua 60:22) and it also says, I will hasten it. The answer is: If they are worthy – I will hasten it אחישנה; if they are unworthy – in its time בעתה”…If they are worthy [miracles] – with the clouds of heaven (Zecharia 9:9); if they are unworthy [through natural events] – poor and riding on a donkey.

3) How can Moshiach arrive if most of the Jews are no observant of Torah and Mitzvos, especially in Eretz Yisrael?

Because we are a generation that is completely guilty and Hashem is acting for his own sake. Moshiach will soon be here, the day after the war…

Talmud Bavli, Sanhedrin 98a

Rav Yochanan said, “The son of Dovid will come only in a generation that is either completely worthy or completely guilty…It also says, “For My sakeלמעני , I will act” (Yeshaya 48:11).

 Talmud Bavli, Sanhedrin 98a

Rav Yehoshua ben Levi found Eliyahu HaNavi standing at the entrance to Rav Shimon bar Yochai’s cave…Rav Yehoshua said to him, “When is Moshiach coming?”…Eliyahu replied, This is what he was saying to you: Today, if you listen to Hashem’s voice (Tehillim 96:7).

4) Looking at the actions of most Jews in the world today and in Eretz Yisrael, we can see that most are not returning to Hashem ללא תשובה and following the Torah. How can Moshiach arrive in this context?

We will be redeemed even without Teshuva. G-d will do it for His sake and to honor His holy Name. Why? Because it is a desecration of G-d’s name for there to be Jews in Chutz LaAretz and not serving Him properly in Eretz Yisrael.

Talmud Bavli, Sanhedrin, 97b-98a

Rav said, “All the predicted times for the End of Days have passed and the matter depends solely on repentance and good deeds”. Shmuel said, “It is sufficient for the mourner to remain in his state of mourning.” Rashi:…The pain of exile is sufficient for the Jews; they will be redeemed even without repentance…

Yechezkel 31:20, 22, 23, 28

…and they came to the nations [live in Chutz LaAretz] to which they came, and they desecrated My holy Name ויחללו את שם קדשי when it was said of them, “These are Hashem’s people, but they have left His Land”…Therefore say to the House of Israel “Thus says Hashem Elokim, Not for your sake house of Israel do I act, but for My holy Name לשם קדשי that you have desecrated by living among the nations [of Chutz LaAretz]. And I will sanctify  וקדשתיMy great name that was desecrated המחלל among the nations, that you desecrated among the nations, that you desecrated among them…and you shall dwell in the Land [Eretz Yisrael] that I gave your fathers, and you shall be to Me a people and I shall be your G-d…

Radak, Tehillim 105:5

…our redemption will nevertheless occur in its time whether Israel is worthy or guilty…

Maharal, Netzach Yisrael chapter

Nevertheless, we hold like Rav Yehoshua, who said that even if the Jews fail to repent, they will be redeemed….

Gra, Even Sheleimah 155

…But the final time for redemption does not depend on repentance בתשובה  only on divine kindness בחסד  as it says “For My sake , for My sake” למעני …

Or HaChayim, VaYikra 25:28

The end of exile will come about even if the Jewish people are completely wicked, G-d forbid.

Chafetz Chaim, Shem Olam, Sha’ar HaHirchazkut, chapter 13

In any event, there is a set time for our redemption. That is the period of “in its time” בעתה  which will come about even if the Jews are completely unworthy.

5) What will occur in the future era leading up to Moshiach?

Some of these events are happening now in 2024/5784…

Talmud Bavli, Sanhedrin 97a

It was taught in a bereisa: Rav Yehuda says, The generation in which Moshiach the son of Dovid will have the following characteristics…The Galil will be destroyed [today 2024 the Galil is a war zone, destroyed homes, the Galil is currently empty of civilians; 80,000 Jews refugees have left the North], the Gavlan [North Israel] will become desolate, the people who live on the border of Eretz Yisrael will go around from city to city [the Israelis in the North have been evacuated to hotels all over Israel]…the wisdom of the scholars will become foul [many Rabbis became medical experts during the COVID year]; those who fear sin will be despised; the face of the generation will be like the face of the dog הדור כפני הכלב ;and truth will be absent [phrase “my truth”, people won’t know what a woman is, or who is an occupier, who originally from Israel, who is a terrorist etc.]

It was taught in a bereisa: Rav Nachman says, the generation in which the son of Dovid comes will have the following characteristics: brazenness העזות will increase; honor will be corrupted (Rashi…the most respected among them will be crooked and corrupt individuals [leaders of Israel government and IDF]…the vine will yield its fruit but the wine will be expensive (Rashi…everyone will run after wine and get drunk…); the entire kingdom will turn heretical [most are atheist]; and there will be no rebuke…the son of Dovid will not come until the ENTIRE kingdom turns heretical. Rava said, what is the verse that indicates this? “All of it has turned white –it is pure (VaYikra 13:13)” Rashi: when tzaraas affliction spreads over a person’s entire skin, it is deemed pure. Similarly, when the entire kingdom turns heretical the redemption will come.

…He will not come until the number of Torah students has diminished…He will not come until the Jews give up hope on the redemption…no supporter or helper for Israel.

6) Is it enough to believe in Moshiach? What is the main component of redemption?

Not enough to believe in Moshiach, one must anxiously await his arrival. The main component of redemption is the ingathering  of the Jewish people in Eretz Yisrael.

Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Melachim, chapter 11:1 (Rambam)

  1. The Messianic king will eventually arise and restore the Davidic dynasty [not a democracy!] to its ancient state, to its original sovereignty. He will build the Beis HaMikdash and gather the scattered of Israel. In his days, all the Torah’s laws will be restored to their former state. For example, Jews will offer sacrifices…Anyone who does not believe in him, or one who does not anticipate מחכה his arrival, denies not only the rest of the Neviim but also the Torah and Moshe Rabeinu…”…And Hashem your G-d will bring you to the Land” (Devarim 30:3-5)

7) Will Moshiach perform miracles?


Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Melachim, chapter 11:3-4 (Rambam)

  1. Do not think that the Messianic King must perform wonders and miracles and create new things in the world, or resurrect the dead or the like. This is not so, for behold, Rav Akiva was very wise, one of the sages of the Mishnah, and he was the arms bearer of King ben-Koziba [Bar Kochva] about whom he used to say that he was the Messianic King…until he was killed due to our sins. Once he was killed, they realized that he was not the Moshiach. Now, the sages did not ask him to perform a sign or a wonders.
  2. And if a King shall arise from the house of Dovid…studies Torah…he fights the battles of Hashem, he is presumed to be the Moshiach. If…built the Beis HaMikdash in its proper place, and gathered the scattered of Israel, he is definitely the Moshiach…[cause all people] to serve G-d as one…

8) When Moshiach arrives, will there be over miracles like peoples houses flying to Israel from the USA or no need to have a job ?

No. The world will continue to function as normal similar to the laws of nature today. Rather, we will no longer be ruled by the nations of the world and we will be sovereign in our own Land. 

Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Melachim, chapter 12 (Rambam)

  1. One should NOT think that in the days of Moshiach any aspect of the world’s way of functioning will be annulled or that there will be a new creation. Rather, the world will continue to function as normal…the Jews will dwell securely with the evil gentiles…All of them will return to the true faith and will not steal or destroy…
  2. The Sages said, “There is no difference between this world and the days of Moshiach except for the subjugation of the kingdoms (Berachos 34b)…the war of God and Magog will take place at the beginning of the Messianic era and prior to the war of Gog and Magog, a Navi will arise to set the Jews straight and prepare their hearts…Eliyahu HaNavi…(Malachi 3:23)…no one can know how all of these and similar things will occur until they occur…the order of occurrence and the details of these things are not fundamental to our faith.

9) Why our redemption come so slowly?

If redemption would come all at once, we could not endure it; because it comes amidst great troubles. We have gone through centuries of expulsions, wars pogroms and Anti-Semitism. As the era of Moshiach gets closer our wars in Israel and Anti-Semitism in the USA will increase.

Talmud Yerushalmi, Berachos 1:1

It happened that Rav Chiya the Great and Rav Shimon son of Chalafta were walking in the Arbel Valley at dawn, when they saw the glimmering of the morning star אילת השחר”…so it the redemption of Israel: at first little by little, but as it progresses it grows greater and greater” גאולתן של ישראל בתחילה קימה קימה.

10) Why do we say Magdil מגדיל  in the prayer of Moshiach in Birkat Hamazon during weekdays; but on Shabbis and Holidays we say Migdol מגדול?

Magdil מגדיל (תהילים יח:נא)   refers to our daily troubles leading up to Moshiach. These are the daily struggles we feel during an average weekday. However, Migdol מגדול (שמואל ב כב:נא)  refers to the Tower or King Moshiach who suddenly reveals himself, this is a true holiday like Shabbis or Chag which is compared to Olam Habah מעין עולם הבא.

Midrash Tehillim 18:36

One verse says, A tower מגדול of salvation while another verse says, Great מגדיל Salvation. Rav Yudan says:”The redemption does not come upon this nation all at once, but little by little.” What does מגדיל  mean? Salvation grows מתגדלת progressively before the people of Israel. Currently, they are engulfed in great troubles and if the redemption would come all at once they would not be able to endure a great salvation, because it comes amidst great troubles צרות גדולות  …There is no greater darkness than the hour closest to morning. If the entire sun would rise at that time when people are sleeping, everyone would be entrapped. Rather, the morning star rises…Afterwards, the sun itself rises…And what does מגדול  mean? It means the Messianic King will be for them like a tower מלך המשיח כמגדל…He [G-d] reveals Himself to them little by little…


11) Is it significant that we waiting for an invasion by the IDF of Lebanon?

Yes! Conquering Lebanon is an essential part of Eretz Yisrael and will be the final stage prior to Moshiach. There is no diplomatic solution and there is no way to avoid our reclaiming our Jewish land in Lebanon. This will demonstrate the might and glory of Hashem.

Midrash Tehillim 18:36

…the glory of Lebanon will be given to her (Yeshayah 35:1). And finally, They will see the glory of Hashem…The people will say on that day, “Behold this is our G-d, we put our hopes in Him, that He would save us, this is Hashem who Whom we hoped, we will exult an rejoice in His salvation” (Yeshayah 25:9)


12) What is the clearest sign that we are living in the era of Redemption?

When there are fruit growing in abundance in Eretz Yisrael; today we are living through the ultimate redemption.

Talmud Bavli, Sanhedrin 98a

Rav Abba said: “There is no clearer sign of the end of Days אין לך קיץ מגולה מזה than this pasuk: “But you, mountains of Israel will give forth your branches and yield your fruit to My people Israel for they are soon to come” (Yechezkel 36:8).


Rashi, Talmud Bavli, Sanhedrin 98a

When Eretz Yisrael gives forth its fruit in abundance, the End will be near, and there is no clearer sign of the End of Days.




Maharsha, Talmud Bavli, Sanhedrin 98a

…But when the Land gives its fruit once again, that is a revealed sign of the End, indicating that the time of redemption is soon to come, when the Jews return to their Land…This is a miraculous occurrence and is definitely a clear sign of the End of Days.


13) What can be the significance of the war in Ukraine, the war with Hamas and Hezbollah the year after Shemittah 5783 and the massive rebuilding projects in Yerushalayim?

This can be the cycle described by Chazal in the Talmud of: in the seventh year there will be wars and after Yerushalayim is rebuild Moshiach ben Dovid will come.

Talmud Bavli, Megillah 17b-18a

…and why did the Sages see fit to say the blessing about redemption in the seventh [prayer of Shemoneh Esreh]? Rava said: “Since  the Jews are eventually going to be redeemed in the seventh year [of a Shemittah cycle], they established it as the seventh blessing.” But didn’t the master say, “In the sixth year there will be sounds; in the seventh – wars; and after the seventh year, the Son of David will come”? [Answer] War is also the beginning of redemption מלחמה נמי אתחלתא דגאולה היא …And once Yerushalayim is rebuilt, the Son of Dovid will come…


14) Will some of the Jews living in the comforts of the USA eventually chose to come home to Israel?

Yes. The current rise of Anti-Semitism and violence against Jews world over will inspire the second “return” to Israel.


Devarim 30:3-5

Hashem your G-d will return (ושב)  your captivity and have mercy on you, and He will return  (ושב)  and gather you from all the nations where Hashem your   G-d has scattered you. If your dispersed will be at the ends of the heavens, from there Hashem your G-d will gather you and from there He will take you. And Hashem your G-d will bring you to the Land [of Israel]…


Meshech Chochma, Devarim 30:3-5

The reason the word ושב  “return” is mentioned twice is because G-d will first return and have mercy on the Jews who are in captivity, those who YEARN for Eretz Yisrael and WANT to flee Chutz LaAretz as one who wants to flee from prison. [The second “return” in the pasuk]…refers to the Jews who have found contentment in foreign lands, those who have lost any desire from the land of the Deer לארץ הצבי [Israel]. HaShem will gather them, too, and He will return them after [the first group].


15) Did the Talmudic sage Reish Lakish hate the Jews from Bavel who chose not to make Aliyah?



Talmud Bavli, Yoma 9b

Reish Lakish was swimming in the Jordan River. Rabbah bar Bar-Chanah came along and gave him his hand to help him out of the river. Reish Lakish said to him, “By G-d, I hate you” (Rashi – I hate all residents of Bavel, who did not ascend to Eretz Yisrael at the time of Ezra, thus preventing the Shechinah from returning…)


16) What is the significance that here is Israel we entering wars with no end in sight?     (Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Yemen etc.)

We are in the era of Moshiach. Media keeps on asking the question what should be our plan with Gaza, Lebanon the “day after”. It’s clear, the day after these wars is the era of Moshiach. In the past years surrounding the Covid era, many Rabbis have died. Anti-Semitism and actual physical violence against Jews, in the USA and Europe is at an all-time high with no respite in sight. Assimilation of Jews in USA and Europe is rampant which has caused and major decrease in the Jews of maternal descent.


Talmud Bavli, Sanhedrin 97a, 98a

Rav Yochanan said: “In the generation during which the Son of Dovid arrives, Torah scholars will diminish, the eyes of the rest of the population will  waste away because of grief and sighing, and great troubles and harsh decrees will be renewed upon the Jewish people. By the time the first one ends, the second one will quickly come.”…

Rav Yochanan said: “If you see a generation continuously decreasing, await Moshiach”…

Rav Yochanan further said: “If you see a generation upon which great troubles come like a river, await him [Moshiach],…A redeemer will come to Zion (Yeshaya 59:19).”




16) How do we know that we will never again be exiled from the Land of Israel?

We are currently in Galus Edom. Hashem promised us in Sefer Eicha and other sources in Tanach, that we will never be exiled from Israel again.


Eichah 4:22

Your punishment is finished, daughter of Zion; He [Hashem] will not exile you again; He remembers your punishment, daughter of Edom, He will uncover your sins.


Sefer HaIkarim 4:42 (Rav Yosef Albo, 1380-1444)

…Yirmiyahu’s statement in Sefer Eichah (4:22)…can only be interpreted in reference to the current exile, namely the exile that followed the destruction of the second Beis HaMikdash…clearly refers to the Exile of the Edomites, who expelled us from our Land during this final exile.


Radak, Yeshayah 66:22

the Jewish people will never be exiled from their Land again.


Rabbeinu Bachya, Devarim 1:1

…Israel’s primary settlement in Eretz Yisrael did not occur at the time of the first Batei HaMikdash, rather it will take place during the final redemption, after which there will be no exile, therefore G-d wanted to complete the Torah with this book [of Devarim], the end of which speaks about the final redemption…after which there will be no exile.


Amos 9:13-15

Behold, days are coming הנה ימים באים נאום ה’ says Hashem…I will return the captivity of My people Israel and they will rebuild the destroyed cities and inhabit them; they will plant vineyards and drink their wine; they will cultivate gardens and eat their fruits. I will plant them upon their Land, and they will never again be uprooted from their Land that I have given them, says Hashem your G-d.



Metzudat David, Amos 9:13-15

That is to say, they will not be exiled from the Land again…


Malbim, Amos 9:13-15

…they will be like a tree planted in its place, which is impossible to be uprooted from its place. So too, the Jews will not be uprooted from their Land, for they will not go into exile ever again.


17) What did Rav Yakov Emden write about living in Eretz Yisrael i.e. Making Aliyah?

Every Jew must make the effort to live in Israel.


Siddur Beis Yaakov, Sullam Beit El 3:6 (Rav Yakov Emden יעב”ץ (1697-1776)

It is well known  that a Jew must face Yerushalayim when he prays…this sign and gesture…will suffice only when it is impossible to actually be in the Holy Land…Therefore, every Jew must make a firm and steadfast decision in his heart to ascend to and dwell in Eretz Yisrael…

…one who dwells outside the Land serves false gods…Our Sages z”l said, “Jews in Chutz LaAretz are idol worshippers in purity” (Avoda Zarah 8a).

…do not intend to settle down in Chutz LaAretz, G-d forbid, to fulfill the prophesy “The Land of your enemies will consume you (VaYikra 26:38). That was the sin of our earliest ancestors, who  caused us eternal weeping by despising the desirable Land (Tehillim 106:13). And this sin has stood against us throughout our bitter exile…peace and tranquility have eluded us in every generation…all because we have completely forgotten about living in Eretz Yisrael.

…As we dwell peacefully in Chutz LaAretz, we imagine that we have already found another, comparable Eretz Yisrael and Yerushalayim. This is why all types’ misfortune befell us…

She is Zion  but no one cares about her (Yirmiyah 30:17)…They have found not rest among the nations (Eicha 1:3)…we forgot the Land of the Deer, we neglected to return to our homeland and we failed to inquire after the city where our ancestors are buried [Hevron] (Nechemya 2:3)…We yearned to dwell permanently among the gentiles, in whom there is no Torah (Eichah 2:9)…For the Jewish people are called G-d’s inheritance נחלת ה’ (Shmuel II 20:19) and the Land is His inheritance; and the Torah depends on both – on G-d’s nation dwelling in G-d’s territorial inheritance. Anyone who abandons one abandons the other, in truth. Our Sages also comment in BeReishis Rabbah (46:9) on Parshas Lech Lecha, “If the Children of Israel enter  the Land, they accept my Divinity אלהותי and if not they do not accept it…

…When times were good however, the sages certainly ascended to Eretz Yisrael…We should certainly exert great effort to ascend by chariot, wagon, or raft to the desirable Land…The argument of danger is not relevant…and they cannot exempt one from fulfilling such a great mitzvah which saves and protects a person. See Shulchan Aruch, Even HaEzer 75 which states that one is obligated to ascend to Eretz Yisrael…

…but for your Creator’s honor and for our soul’s pleasure – to merit everlasting life – you become lazy, saying “There is a lion on the path” (Mishlei 26:13).

…I command you regarding Eretz Yisrael, for it is time to favor her dust and her stones, for the appointed time has come (Tehillim 102:14-15…come to the Holy Land (Devarim 1:7) to live there permanently…Do not fear the people of the Land, for Hashem…He will not remove His kindness from you when you return to your forefather’s Land.

About the Author
Arie E. Pelta, M.D., a Board Certified General and Colorectal Surgeon from the USA, made Aliyah with his wife and 7 children in 2013. He received his Rabbinical ordination in 1997. He is also an active Medical Corps Officer holding the rank of Major in the IDF Reserves, in Alexandroni . Dr. Pelta is currently a full time Senior Surgeon practicing in Laniado Hospital (Netanya); specializing in the surgical care of all colorectal diseases.
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