Yoseph Janowski
By the Grace of G-d

Fixing things

When something is broken, we can try to fix it. When things need fixing, it enables us to feel a sense of accomplishment, as we work on making things better.

If nothing needed improvement, if everything was fine just the way it is, then we would feel useless. What good are we?

So an imperfect world is actually a perfect world, because we then have the opportunity to shine, to make the world a better place.

It gives our lives meaning — instead of just sitting  back and relaxing in the sun all day, we are able to stand up and do something important, make a difference, help others.

Because when we give to others, we receive even more.

When we look at what others need and try to help them, then we feel we’re here for a purpose. We feel that our lives matter, that we matter. We feel that we are needed, to make the lives of others better and more beautiful.

The world needs improvement. When we make the world better, we become partners in G-d‘s creation. He created the world out of nothing in six days, and on the seventh day, He rested, and He saw that everything was good.

G-d is kind — giving us the ability to be His partners in creating a wonderful world.

About the Author
The author lives in Toronto, Canada. He has written for
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