Four-Hour Pause is Permanent Surrender
The most profound risk of inhabiting a world void of leaders who operate upon the force of truth is defeat through surrender. In this dystopian reality, those people who still live by the truth understand the vital nature of protecting western society. Even more, these renegades of republics and defenders of democracies know the precious meaning of time.
To us, every year, day, hour, minute, and second are spent as champions of liberty. In the United States, we celebrate Veterans Day on November 11. This holiday represents a national salute to every survivor of war. It is these survivors who comprise the last living testament to the importance of all those who perished fighting by their side. Thousands of those American veterans fought in battles whose one of many missions was the preservation of Israel.
Veterans can, with the full force of empathy and experience, testify to the valuable nature of time. Do not take my word for it, but listen to them. They will tell you that a four-hour pause in Israel’s war against Hamas will not only permit further crimes against humanity, but it is a crime against all those innocent souls who were mercilessly murdered on October 7th and all Israeli Defense Forces heroes who died on the frontlines for freedom. A four-hour pause is politically correct terminology for a four-hour surrender.
If we relent for four hours, four minutes, or four seconds, it will amount to absolute surrender. A pause is anything but humanitarian in nature. The will to claim victory requires momentum, and that momentum requires mental toughness and military discipline.
The United States of America and Israel must not implement the four-hour pause of Operation Iron Swords, but we should only strengthen and expand it. For our American and Israeli war veterans, victims of evil Jihadist barbarism, those taken by all forms of tyranny throughout time, and every soul yet to be born, we must fight on.