Philip Gross

Francesca Albanese and the UN’s Cult of Hatred

United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories Francesca Albanese speaks during a press conference in Geneva on December 11, 2024. (Photo by Fabrice COFFRINI / AFP) (Photo by FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP via Getty Images)
United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories Francesca Albanese speaks during a press conference in Geneva on December 11, 2024. (Photo by Fabrice COFFRINI / AFP) (Photo by FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP via Getty Images)

How the UN became a magnet for institutionalized hatred

There are certain unmistakable signs of an individual expressing antisemitic rhetoric that can help you identify the truly dangerous from the run-of-the-mill misanthropes. In my worldview, antisemites fall into three distinct categories. Two of the categories are fairly innocuous, although irritating, but ultimately inconsequential. The category to look out for is the third, which is dangerous and requires constant vigilance.

The First Category: “The Sheep”

These are the vapid students, camped out in their mothers’ basements together with the online trolls just chasing the next click. They have no actual moral compass, they have never researched an issue, and they have no actual intellect or knowledge beyond that morning’s consumption of whatever happens to be trending. Everything they know in life has been distilled to 240 characters, their worldview is shaped through the prism of polarity, and they are just happy to belong. Today it might be Jew hate, and tomorrow they will move on to whatever is fresh in their timeline. They are loyal to trends, not principles.

The Second Category: “The Influencers”

This encompasses those whose sole purpose in life is to be part of the conversation while racking up likes. These dopamine-fueled fiends will say and do anything to ensure that they are ‘relevant,’ blindly following the algorithm wherever it might lead. They amplify outrage for engagement while perpetuating overly simplistic and harmful narratives. Their “positions” are designed to generate the validation they so desperately crave. There is no bad publicity in this world; everything is exposure.

Fortunately, this group is mostly irrelevant because the majority of people in society possess rational thinking abilities and recognize the chaff when they see it. Those that remain loyal to these influencers are the fringe elements, who were always going to proxy their intellect and were never going to apply any actual critical thinking to their world decisions (see sheep category above).

The Third Category: “The True Believers”

That brings us to the third and most dangerous category of Jew haters. Their hate springs from a cultural and ideological depth that transcends reason. They feed from an insidious, dark well that ultimately consumes and defines them. Historians have spent countless hours grappling with Hitler’s obsession with the Jews, only concluding with unsatisfactory responses. There is no rationale motivating their deep-seated antipathy towards Jews and no amount of debate resonates with them.

There are signs to spot these people; they never own their antisemitism. They will always rationalize that they do not hate all Jews, some of their best friends are Jews, or the current trope, I don’t hate Jews, just Zionists. This is a red flag and the first signal that you are dealing with an actual bonafide antisemite.

Within this category there is a subcategory that bears mentioning: the self-hating Jews, who serve as the useful idiots for the hateful masses and the poster boys for their cause. This includes the Soros types, who, in their desperate effort to ingratiate themselves with certain elements of society, end up despised by Jews and Jew haters alike. Their motivation is more complex and would require a full PhD dissertation to even begin to scratch the surface of their self-loathing.

Francesca Albanese and the UN

Now the likes of Francesca Albanese and, frankly, many who work at the UN fall into this third category (UN Watch Report). They all seem to harbor a deep-seated bias for anything and everything Jewish, blinded by their animus and singularly obsessed with Jews and anything Jewish-related. Their entire worldview revolves around Jews and the implications thereof. Any energy expended in defending against their baseless accusations is futile; pointing out their double standards or hypocrisy is like whistling in the wind.

All you need to do is scroll through some of Francesca’s comments on X to get a flavor of her venomous disposition to all things Jewish. The frequent comparisons of Israel to Nazis, apartheid regimes, and genocides, trivialize historical atrocities and completely distorts reality.


For these unrepentant Jew haters, rape is wrong unless it’s against Jews; then it’s “resistance.” Killing babies is genocide unless it’s Jews; then it’s a “noble cause.” Their belligerent, illogical hatred drives their geopolitics, aligning themselves with any despot or dictator who is prepared to share their vile animosity. Iran is misunderstood; Russia is bad because of Ukraine but good when they condemn the Jews. Their entire worldview is a tangled web dictated by one premise: hatred of Jews. There is no other truth in their guiding principles.

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The UN’s Role: A Sanctuary for Hate

The UN acts as a magnet for the vindictive haters, where every global calamity is either ignored or reduced to a minor footnote beneath an endless list of condemnations of one tiny and democratic country. You would assume that they have other global priorities, but their work product strongly suggests otherwise (UN Condemned Israel More Than All Other Countries Combined in 2022).

Actual human rights crises in Syria, China, Iran, and Sudan, are all strategically moved to the backburner of UN priorities in order to deal with their single most pressing issue, Israel. Ironically, the UN has for decades facilitated, protected, and participated in terror-related activities both in Gaza and Lebanon through their affiliated UNRWA and UNIFIL.

This raises the paradoxical question: how did such a toxic coalition of international haters find a home in an institution that was built to eradicate evil and develop peace?

I have a theory. When Roosevelt and Churchill sat down in 1941 in the middle of the worst hate-fueled destruction civilization had ever experienced, they were motivated by one primary objective: how to rid the world of demagogues constantly bent on destruction and war.

The result was the Atlantic Charter (History of the Atlantic Charter), designed specifically not as a peacekeeping entity but as a dumping ground for toxic personalities where countries could send their most corrosive figures.

In relocating these toxic personalities into a bureaucratic void, stripped of any actual power, the world could ironically become a safer place. To the credit of these two great men, it actually worked. Nations sent their worst to the UN, a bureaucratic black hole where zealots thrive in irrelevance, endlessly spewing bile into the abyss.

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The UN’s Success in Failure

Maybe the UN isn’t a failure after all. It hasn’t stopped wars or brokered peace, but it’s done something remarkable: given the world’s most hateful voices a place to scream into the morally devoid chasm. If that’s the price of keeping them away from real power, perhaps it’s worth every hollow resolution.

“You can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave”

The Eagles – Hotel California  

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About the Author
Manhattan born, London native, straddling both sides of the Atlantic with limited success in either. Mostly proud father of nine. Non denominational orthodox although occasional sinner. Business executive.
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