Marc Daniels

From the Abyss of the Holocaust to Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Promised Land

When I review the eyewitness accounts of Auschwitz, it brings back memories of my visits to the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C., Yad VaShem, and Dachau.

In the 70 years since Auschwitz was liberated, unfortunately, humanity as a whole as yet to be liberated from the root cause which led to this darkest period in humanity–anti-Semitism.

It will take a lot more than just recounting history to change our hearts and souls; we need help from the Creator.  This is what inspired me to start the WEED OUT HATE initiative, a grassroots campaign, in which children of different  races and religions pair up and grasp upon symbolic roots of hatred, and then plant sunflower seeds of hope in their place.

A global call for two billion children to root out symbolic weeds, is my attempt inspire a powerful global prayer, that would unify humanity to rise above there inner hatred.

Fifty years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave a vision, that one day, we as a people will get to the Promised Land.  People can dispute American politics, but no reasonable individual can disagree with Dr. King’s vision. His was the kind of American exceptionalism that can lead the world to a better place.

Just imagine, President Obama, calling upon two billion children to weed out hate via a globally televised TV mega event…..This is my creative and constructive proposal for making sure the Holocaust never happens again, and helping we as a people to get to the Promised Land

Putting the Plan into Action……


Last Monday, was Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in the United States. To mark the occasion, I attending the Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial  in Washington D.C. It was an opportunity for me to disseminate my WEED OUT HATE, SOW SEEDS OF PEACE message, that of inspiring kids to pair up, grasping upon and rooting out symbolic weeds of hatred, and then planting seeds of peace.

This was to be no ordinary event.  After distributing two dozen packs of seed packs, I handed one to one of the guest speakers, a gentleman by the name of Jeh Johnson, the Secretary of Homeland Security!  You see him pictured to the left of the Wreath in the picture above. Right beneath the Wreath and in full view of participants and journalists from all over the world and chronicled by C-Span, you see a green and yellow sign: Weed Out Hate; Sow Seeds of Peace: A Judaic Tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr.


After the official ceremony, I read the following….

Dr. King once stated that “With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.” When one begins to illuminate this stone, one discovers that this is a metaphorical stony heart, an egoistic shell, that protects us from harm and pain, but also acts to detaches us. Weed Out Hate gives us a powerful method to transform this stone of hope, our collective stony heart, into rich fertile substrate. Just imagine the possibilities…if children from all over the world would each extract a symbolic weed of hatred and replenish it with a seed of peace! Together, we would cultivate our Promised Land vision for bearing the ultimate fruit that connects with God, Nature, and each other. We would treat each other as we would like to be treated, rooting out hate and evil and planting love and respect in our hearts and in our gardens. Then, we could experience the ultimate blossoms of freedom. Let us weed out hate. Let us sow seeds of peace. And let freedom ring….



About the Author
As the eldest grandson of Ross Daniels, the inventor of a horticultural irrigation tool for deep watering and feeding at the deepest roots, Marc spent the first half of his career learning about global gardening and gardener's trends. Ten years ago, he began thinking about how to take his grandfather's vision to the next level, for inspiring humanity to weed out hate and sow the seeds of peace through spiritual gardening.
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