Yoseph Janowski
By the Grace of G-d


Sands of conflict in the north sift down. A quiet peace. Will it last?

Hezbollah is decimated but not gone. Will they rise?

Lebanon — the people. Will they wrest control from Hezbollah?

What does the future hold? What will be?

As we sit back, dumbfounded by the wars that happened, some that are still happening, we shake our heads, trying to grasp the enormity of the conflict. Trying to understand what people think, and what people will do.

War. It’s a sad state. But sometimes, war brings peace.

Now, as the northern conflict ends, will peace grace the horizon? As we look on, past the horizon, if we could see what lies beyond, what would we see?

May we see peace. Forever.

May our Eternal King, our Father in heaven, please make it so.

About the Author
The author lives in Toronto, Canada. He has written for
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