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Governor Huckabee and Rabbi Dovid Hofstedter Meet
Few positions in an American Presidential administration are of greater importance to the worldwide Jewish community than that of the United States Ambassador to Israel. For this reason, when President Trump nominated Governor Mike Huckabee for this coveted position, reasonable-minded members of the Jewish community were thrilled. After all, the Governor has a consistent track record of supporting the Jewish people and the state of Israel over decades. Governor Huckabee’s support for Israel and the Jewish people has never been rooted in political expediency; but instead in a deep and abiding conviction that supporting the Jewish people and the land of Israel is critical to his faith and of course, the right thing to do.
Several years ago, the Governor took notice of an incredibly important initiative spearheaded by Acheinu, the outreach arm of Dirshu, the world’s largest Torah organization. The organization, led by Rabbi Dovid Hofstedter, himself the son of Holocaust survivors, sponsors an annual Day of Jewish Unity on the Chofetz Chaim’s Yahrtzeit. In the spirit of commemorating the Chofetz Chaim’s memory, Acheinu, under Rabbi Hofstedter’s leadership, encourages as many schools, academic institutions, places of work and worship to promote a moment of prayer – during which all refrain from speaking ill of one another, or “lashon hora.” Indeed given the polarized nature of our political climate years ago (and sadly through this very moment), several very notable and prominent leaders in the fields of politics and commerce recognized this important milestone and event. Governor Huckabee was among them.
In an op-ed published by FoxNews, the Governor wrote “There are too many forces in our world trying to destroy the Jewish people and the Holy Land, but Jews need to stay strong and united – and we must join them. Acheinu promotes this day of prayer in honor of Rabbi Israel Meir Kagan, who devoted his entire life to promoting respect and civility and cautioning about the evils of gossip. Though Rabbi Kagan died in 1933, his teachings live on. I think if Rabbi Kagan was alive today to see how divided the world still is, he would be disappointed. And yet, through the rabbi’s teachings, I also know that he would not give up hope but would continue to call for courtesy, understanding and cohesion.”
Indeed, for this reason among others it was hardly surprising that the Governor chose to meet with Rabbi Dovid Hofstedter, the leader of Dirshu, for his first meeting with a member of the Torah observant community, since being nominated to be the United States’ next ambassador to Israel. Rabbi Hofstedter conceived of Dirshu years ago with the express noble purpose of restoring the level of Torah scholarship to the times pre-dating the Holocaust. Indeed, as we witness the continued spike in anti-Semitism worldwide, the emphasis that needs to be placed on promoting the light of Torah cannot possibly be overstated.
During their meeting, Rabbi Hofstedter and the Governor discussed the importance of protecting the rights of the Torah observant community in Israel and worldwide. And indeed, during these times of darkness and turbulence for Jews around the world, it was inspiring and encouraging to hear the incoming United States Ambassador to Israel express his stalwart support for members of the Torah observant community.
One of the most critical lessons for us as Jews to remember during these challenging times is “Kol Yisroel Areivim Zeh LaZeh;” that each and every Jew is responsible for the other. We need to stay united while our people are under siege. Not divided. The Torah observant community plays a vital role in helping spread the light of Torah; and need to be respected and indeed safeguarded.
I was most encouraged to have heard Governor Huckabee accept Rabbi Hofstedter’s invitation to take him around Jerusalem to meet with the various Gedolim of our generation; the leaders and pillars of Torah. What an awe-inspiring sight this would be; watching the soon-to-be United States Ambassador to Israel meeting with the leaders of Torah for our generation, with Rabbi Dovid Hofstedter at his side.
May the Governor continue to be blessed with only good things for him and his family; and may we together celebrate his confirmation just a few short weeks from now, please G-D.
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