BatSheva Goldstein

Hamas added a bizarre new category to my household budget

When reviewing my monthly budget, in which category do I put the tactical helmet, bulletproof vest, and other supplies purchased for my son, the soldier?

As a financial professional, I try to practice what I preach and keep careful track of our family’s spending. However, this month, in categorizing expenses I had an unusual quandary: where do I put supplies purchased for soldiers?

Hamas’s attack on Israel forced me to rethink how I classify expenses.

The donations I make to non-profits to support war efforts clearly fall into “charity.”

The extra toys and arts-and-crafts supplies purchased to entertain the grandchildren as they are living with us until their father returns from reserve duty fall into the “grandchildren” section of the budget.

All the extra bottles of water, canned goods, and other emergency supplies could be considered “grocery” since eventually they will be consumed.

Our family budget has a line item for “home security” which covers our alarm system and the municipality’s monthly fee for an armed guard at the entrance to our town.

It doesn’t seem right to put war supplies into “miscellaneous” since that is the category for small, inconsequential items. A tactical helmet, designed to give its wearer increased protection and comfort, hardly seems insignificant.

Who would have guessed I would create a personal spending category, “war”?

This fresh entry in my financial ledger underscores our changed reality; it pays tribute to the exceptional nature of these expenses. This new category transforms the mundane categorization of cash into a message of support, faith, and encouragement for our troops. Encapsulated in “war” is parental concern, unwavering support for the IDF’s mission, and longing for a speedy return.

I look forward to everyone returning home safely… and venturing out on our long-postponed family vacation. Then I’ll have a new quandary: should those celebratory expenses be categorized as “vacation” or “war” – to celebrate the blessed conclusion of chaos and return to normal?

@DaveRamsey, what do you think?

About the Author
BatSheva Goldstein lives in Efrat with her husband. When not working at Profile Investment Services, Ltd., she enjoys creating memories with her grandchildren. She is a consultant to non-profit organizations, the family genealogist, and also likes to write children's stories.
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