Cindy Grosz
The Jewess Patriot Host, Brand Ambassador & Activist

How Our Traditions Go Mainstream Hollywood

Krista Allen is a model, actress and proves You Don’t Have To Be Jewish to have fun. The former “Baywatch” star shares many celebrations among her friends and family of all religious backgrounds.

Some of you know Allen from her portrayal of Billie Reed on Days of Our Lives. Others remember her making headlines as the girlfriend of George Clooney. To reality television stars, she and her son, Jake Moritt, shared tips on “Growing Up Supermodel.”

I recently spoke with the actress and was taught something new about our shofar, a symbol of our new year.

Q) Krista what projects have you been up to recently?

A) I’m doing a lot of stand up right now, I have a podcast called “I’m fine” with Krista Allen, I’ve done about six independent movies and I’m about to starts another movie tomorrow. They should all come out pretty soon. I recently filmed an episode of “Modern Family.” It’s been a fun year.

Q) I love the title of your new podcast, I’m Fine. How did you come up with that name?

“I’m fine” is pretty much a quote everybody eventually uses. I know there’s times I could be getting mauled by a lion and my boyfriend would say how you doing night say “I’m fine” I review one self-help book a week with my celebrity friends. it’s more of a companion piece to that self-help book. So we talk about our lives and how it relates to the topics in the book of the week. My comedian/celebrity guests explore their own personal debaucheries while diving into the perplexing world of self-help. We sift through intimate chapters from their own lives, inspired by a different facet of self-help each week. It could be anything, books, articles or even instagram posts!

Q) Speaking of boyfriends, you have been covered in the press as being a part of “celebrity couples, particularly your long relationship with George Clooney. Any thoughts?

A) Whenever some thing happens with George, I’m in the headlines again! I’m happy for him, he’s happily married now!

Q) Tell us about your son and the projects you work on together.

A) My son is Jake and he’s amazing! He worked with me recently on a movie called “Party Mom!” For Lifetime Television. He was one of the lead younger actors and did a great job! Before that, we did a reality TV show called “Growing Up Supermodel” with other “model” moms and their kids like Beverly Peele and Kelly LeBrock.

Your closest friends that you do some memorable girls nights out with are Jewish. Tell us about some of the adventure your group has shared.

Q) What Jewish traditions and cultural trends you learned from hanging out with some of your closest friends?

A) All I know for sure is that my friends are constantly with their family. Everything is about family. I know there’s some Jewish thing where they make a tent and eat in it. I’m not quite sure what that’s called but it sounds like fun when all the conversations focus on them. I’m not into camping so much. It’s in-tents. My son is also Jewish. He’s more Jew’ish. His dads side is Jewish. Our favorite movie is “Pretty Woman” and we joke how we want a “shofar” to bring our Prince Charming and climb a ladder to proclaim his love of us. This text went around this group, until one of the gals who grew up on Long Island, told us that a shofar is a Jewish ram’s horn and what we want is a chauffeur.

Q) You do live shows. Tell us about them. Any upcoming in the tristate area and how people can purchase tickets.

A) I just started Stand up and it’s going pretty well! It’s really fun and I love making people laugh.
I’m hopefully coming out to visit NYC with my son during fashion week, I’ll try to book some shows out there.

I’m Fine can be heard through Apple Podcasts and Stitcher Radio. Cindy Grosz can be found at@cindyscorners on Instagram.

About the Author
Cindy Grosz is The Jewess Patriot, Today’s Premiere Jewish Activist syndicated through Conservative Television of America, Real Talk Radio and the Black and White Network. The show streams through RokuTV, Amazon FireTV, iHeart, Spotify and Deezer and out of Israel through Jewish Podcasts. She is the chair of Jewish Vote GOP and a Jewish advisor for many 2022 candidates. Her lawsuit against the NYCDOE exposes scandals and corruption within public schools and discrimination against Jews. She also writes about entertainment, food, culture and social issues.
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