Adam Borowski

I am sorry, Syrian toddler

Humanity seems to be beyond redemption sometimes. When I saw the images and the video of a toddler held in a Syrian slaughterhouse jail, it was yet another of endless reminders just how horrible humanity has become. Targeting children this way, to me, means no conventions ought to apply to you. None. I don’t care about diplomacy, politics, or holier-than-thou intelligence agencies. Doing something so vile is a crime against God, not just against humanity. Whoever is doing such things, is a full-blown psychopath without any conscience left. Syrian regime, Hamas, Hezbollah, Russians, and so on, cut from the same cloth.

And then I think of all the lucky kids going to their private schools without knowing a damn thing about how the world actually works. Stuck in their bubble. Shielded from reality. This is indeed profoundly perplexing, this world of ours. Now, some are going to give you metaphysical explanations (karmic debt, reincarnation), some are going to say it’s all random and some kids are more lucky than others. Whatever the case may be, imprisoning little kids that way is unforgivable.

These words don’t mean much, but I’d just like to say: I am sorry, Syrian toddler imprisoned in an underground cell by Syrian regime functionary bastards. Justice will be served. If not here, then in the afterlife. Of that, I am certain.

About the Author
Adam Borowski is a technical Polish-English translator with a background in international relations and a keen interest in understanding how regime propaganda brainwashes people so effectively. He's working on a novel the plot of which is set across multiple realities. In the novel, he explores the themes of God, identity, regimes, parallel universes, genocide and brainwashing. His Kyiv Post articles covering a wide range of issues can be found at
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