I See You: A Poem for Parshat Vayechi
Parshat Vayechi finishes the eventful book of Breisheet, during which the family of Avraham grows, encounters jealousy, battles and famine and makes ready for their descent to Egypt. Of course, we are the readers who know the text and know what will happen next, so we can see that everyone has their prescribed roles in God’s plan for the Jewish people.
One of the many themes in the book of Breisheit is the theme of blindness and seeing. Isaac is blind when he is fooled into giving the birthright to Jacob and much later we find an old and blind Jacob on his deathbed when Joseph brings his sons to be blessed. Despite his age and his inability to see, Jacob sees something in Joseph’s sons. Once again the birthright is bestowed to the younger child and perhaps we are no longer surprised that this is happening. Perhaps here we learn that there is more to seeing than sight and many ways to recognize others when our eyes have lost their potency.
I will miss the book of Breisheit. With all of its twists and turns, its vivid characters and emotional presence, it never grows old. I look forward to returning to it once again.
I See You
I see you.
I see you in the places you shop
and in the car you drive.
I see you in the baseball cap on your head
I see you in the dogs you walk
I see you in the flags you fly
I see you in the items in your shopping cart
I see you in the dust on the furniture.
I see you in your music play lists
I see you through your open windows
I see you in the books you read
I see you in your questions
I see you in the friends you keep
I see you in what makes you laugh
and what makes you weep.
I see you in the way you listen
I see you when you celebrate
I see you by who you accept
and by who you reject.
I see you in what you choose to discard
I see you in what you give
and what you take.
I see you in how you greet
I see you in what you reveal
I see you in the way you treat others
Most of all.
How you treat yourself.
With my eyes I see
about you,
through you,
with you,
around you.
My eyes are full of you.
I see.