Tzemach Yehudah Richter

I Would Be Making Immediate Plans For Aliyah If I Was Still Living In The Twin Cities


In Case You Missed It – Both Minneapolis And St. Paul Police Chiefs Have Announced Their Retirement/Resignation

Twin Cities based Kare11 and FOX9 carried the following stories on their Websites-

For this Blog I will concentrate on Minneapolis.

The following is obtained from an organization which says it is their mission to make Minneapolis the destination of choice for the next event or vacation. They also are involved with promoting Minneapolis and attracting visitors.

The Future Of Public Safety in Minneapolis is discussed at the following link-

Updated: December 6, 2021

Does Minneapolis have a police department?

Yes, Minneapolis has a police department. The current city budget includes more than $171 million for the Minneapolis Police Department.

What did voters decide about the future of public safety in Minneapolis?

Minneapolis voters chose to keep the current structure which includes the Minneapolis Police Department, reporting to the Police Chief and the Mayor of Minneapolis, along with a separate Office of Violence Prevention. They did not approve a proposed amendment to the city charter that would have created a new Department of Public Safety.

What does that mean for public safety in Minneapolis?

The current structure of policing and public safety remains in place, with both the Minneapolis Police Department and the Office of Violence Prevention. The Minneapolis Police Department will be continue to be headed by the Police Chief who reports directly to the Mayor of Minneapolis.

The mayor, police chief and other elected officials in Minneapolis know there is much work to be done to ensure everyone feels safe. Important reforms to policing have taken place and will continue.

Police Chief Medaria Arradondo has stated, “As I lead the transformation of the Minneapolis Police Department and engage our department in creating a new MPD, I am steadfast that our three core values must be trust, accountability and professional service.” He has further stated, “We’ve implemented changes in our policing practices. We’ve enhanced accountability and transparency. And investments are being made in new community-driven strategies, so all of our visitors and residents feel safe.”

Many Questions Arise From These Various Articles And Videos Which Worry Me

Question One-

Please read again what Police Chief Arradondo said above-
Police Chief Medaria Arradondo has stated, “As I lead the transformation of the Minneapolis Police Department and engage our department in creating a new MPD, I am steadfast that our three core values must be trust, accountability and professional service.” He has further stated, “We’ve implemented changes in our policing practices. We’ve enhanced accountability and transparency. And investments are being made in new community-driven strategies, so all of our visitors and residents feel safe.”

So if the current Police Chief was so keen in leading the Minneapolis Police Department in creating a new MPD, then why has he suddenly decided to step down?  This is especially so since Minneapolis voters rejected the idea of dismantling the Police Department. The article in which that story appears was updated December 6, and shortly thereafter Police Chief Arradondo decides to step down. It does not make sense.

Question Two

On Wednesday, December 8, the Main Page From Internet Site Of The Minneapolis StarTribune- Minnesota’s Largest Newspaper, Carried The Following Headline-



After chief’s retirement, it is time for a Department of Public Safety

Chief Medaria Arradondo was used as a prop to stop change. We can’t let that happen again.

Therefore, why would Minnesota’s largest newspaper suddenly run an opinion column which not only discredits the Minneapolis Police Chief but also ignores the fact that Minneapolis voters soundly rejected the idea of a Department of Public Safety? This also does not make sense.


My Conclusion

Police Chief Arradondo has many years of experience on the MPD and at a time like this the City Of Minneapolis needs him the most.

I wrote a previous Blog showing Congresswoman Omar standing up in front of a group of people and saying the Minneapolis Police Department is rotten to the root. And calling for the exact same thing the Minneapolis Voters rejected.

It now turns out that both the Minneapolis and St. Paul Police Departments will be losing their Police Chiefs. I cannot speak about St. Paul, but in the videos seen at the beginning of this Blog, Chief Arradondo is very well respected and represents the finest the Minneapolis Police Department has to offer.

Now if we consider that Chief Arradondo represents one of the roots of the MPD, then Omar was clearly lying and shows how disconnected she is from reality. That is further proven by Minneapolis voters rejecting her demand to dismantle the police.

The question is what will happen to law and order when Arradondo leaves.

For those of you Minneapolis residents willing to wait around to see what happens next, I say you do so at your own risk, especially if you are Jewish because Omar falsely accuses Israel of apartheid and remains blocked from entering Israel for trying to visit with Rashida Tlaib on a trip sponsored by Miftah, a Hamas supporter.

Dismantling police goes against Torah and has played a significant role in the rise in crime to unacceptable proportions all over the US. Add to this the rise in antisemitism makes me very worried for the future of our children and grandchildren if we were still living there.

That is why I say that looking at making Aliyah in the near future should be on the “To Do” list of every Jew.

About the Author
Born and raised in the Minneapolis suburb of St. Louis Park. Married to a South African, we lived in Johannesburg from 1979 to 1996. Made Aliyah with our seven children on Parshat Lech Lecha. BSB Accounting Degree from the University of Minnesota. Investment Portfolio Manager /Fundamental And Technical Analyst. Wrote in-depth research on companies, markets, commodities for leading financial publications. Served in the US Army Reserves Semi Retired spending quality time with my wife, children, grandchildren and attend Kollel while analyzing current events as they relate to Torah and Mitzvahs.
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