In Israel, Memorial Day is a Day On
I’m proud that I live in a country where Memorial Day is not synonymous with shopping sprees and mega-sales.
I’m proud that I live in a country where Memorial Day isn’t characterized by a 3-day weekend.
I’m proud to live in a country where Memorial Day is not a day off but very much a day on.
A day kids go to school dressed in white and stand together in silence as they listen to the siren that rings throughout the country, bringing to a complete halt all work, transactions, conversations, cars, trucks and busses…everything.
A day dedicated to remembering the fallen soldiers and terror victims of Israel. Hearing their names and their stories. Crying even if we never met them. Crying even more if we have.
A day where we remember that the establishment of the State of Israel didn’t put an end to anti-Semitism, but it did put us in a position to protect and defend ourselves from it. in a better and stronger way than was possible for 2000 years.
A country that knows how to collectively honor and mourn the dead is a nation that understands the beauty and value of being alive.
I remember and I mourn.
And I am proud to be part of this people, living in this land, remembering and mourning today.
Am. Yisrael. Chai.