Ruth Lieberman

In the interim: A thought

I’ve now had just a little down-time to consider where we all are, post-elections – and the results are interesting, if not downright refreshing.

change - jumping goldfish

Maybe it’s the new attitude of a Trump administration, breaking old, tired conventions. Or perhaps simply a world tired of being misled. Leaders of, say, country X, promise peace and tranquility. We’ve all heard it before, in whichever language we speak. Change. A new order.

But myths are dispelled quickly. Election promises, even the well-intended, are often kept never at all or slowly dissipated. Historically people seem to want to hope; and we fall for that kind of rhetoric time and time and time again.

Consider this: Maybe hope is not that bad, after all. It gives us a renewed, fresh vision of the world we live in. The idea that all is possible, that we can act, to change what is around us. That we can encourage, dream, aspire.

So let’s forget the cynicism. Whatever our political desires and aversions, give it a chance. Dare to dream. It’s better than the alternative.

dream - bird


About the Author
Ruth Lieberman is an Israeli-based political consultant and licensed tour guide, combining her love of Israel with political acumen to better Israel's standing both at home and in the eyes of the world. She has consulted for political leaders in Jerusalem and in Washington, from work on election campaigns to public advocacy and events. Her tours in Israel connect Biblical history to modern realities, to highlight Israel's achievements and promote its policies. She's also added 'archaeologist' to her title, working on an advanced degree in the field.
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