David Bedein

Invoke US Law to Push a Convicted PFLP Felon Off the Program

Leila Khaled is a felon.

Tried and convicted of hijacking an airplane on behalf of the PFLP.

Defined by US law as an FTO. a foreign terrorist organization.


Yet Khaled is is invited to participate in  a panel a San Francisco State University.

What to do? Call the FBI to enforce US law.

Then the FBI will have to decide it they will allow a convicted felon from an FTO  to speak.

About the Author
David Bedein, who grew up in Philadelphia and moved to Israel in 1970 at the age of 20, is an MSW community organizer by profession and an expereinced investigative journalist. In 1987 he established the Israel Resource News Agency, with offices at the Beit Agron Int’l Press Center in Jerusalem, where he also serves as Director of the Center for Near East Policy Research. In 1991, Bedein was the special CNN middle east radio correspondent. Since 2001, Bedein has contributed features to the newspaper Makor Rishon. In 2006, Bedein became the foreign correspondent for the Philadelphia Bulletin, writing 1,062 articles until the newspaper ceased operation in 2010. He is the author of " The Genesis of the Palestinian Authority" and "ROADBLOCK TO PEACE- How the UN Perpetuates the Arab-Israeli Conflict: UNRWA policies reconsidered"and the director and producer of the numerous short films about UNRWA policy which can be located at:
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