Is settling Israel without joining the army viable?
In Parshat Re’eh, Dvarim 12:29 we read:
When HaShem, your God, has cut down before you the nations that you are about to come to and dispossess, after you have dispossessed them and live in their land…
According to the Malbim, the words “that you are about to come to and dispossess” seem to be redundant. It could have just said “When HaShem, your God, has cut down before you the nations.” The Midrash in Sifrei explains that when we perform the mitzvah of coming to the land, God will cut down our enemies and we will succeed in driving them out.
What we learn from here:
- We need to be in the Land of Israel in order for the plan outlined above to work. God will only cut down our enemies if we are living in the land.
- We need to take an active role in driving our enemies out. We need a strong army and then God will help us along.
Should Haredim be exempt from serving in the army?
On the one hand, the Haredi community is the fastest growing Jewish population in Israel as they have the most children. The Haredi population is keeping up the numbers that will help ensure that there is a Jewish majority in the State of Israel. Settlements like Beitar Illit and Modiin Illit (Kiryat Sefer) have many more residents than the Dati Leumi (Religious Zionist) settlements.
On the other hand, if Haredim don’t serve in the army, then they aren’t fulfilling the second part of the plan which is that we need to fight and then God will help us along. God is not going to do all of the fighting and neither should the Dati Leumi, traditional, secular, Druze and Bedouin communities.
Every community that wants to be protected needs to take part in protecting the State of Israel. The Religious Zionist communities were able to work out plans which include Heseder Yeshivot and Mechinot where students have the opportunity to learn Torah and join the army. Studying and fighting are not mutually exclusive.
May we see an end to this war and may all those who are fit to serve help us in protecting the State of Israel in order to ensure that we will see peace throughout the land.